Seminar details

Seminar Room, ground floor (Building IMAG)

2 February 2017 - 14h00
Second Year PhD Students Seminars - week 1/2

Abstract: * 14:00-14:40 Braham Lotfi Mediouni (Team RSD): Rigorous System Design and Performance Evaluation
In embedded systems, designing functional models has become very popular thanks to the powerful verification techniques that have been developed these years. But it is still very difficult to build models gathering both functional and non-functional techniques. Some techniques exist in which authors propose manual techniques for this purpose (based on statistical inference and manual model updates). However, these frameworks work under some data independence assumption, rely on the designer appretiation (inaccurate) and are time consuming. We propose a framework that learns automatically both functional and non-functional model, given a bunch of execution traces. In our work, we use a Grammatical Inference technique known as state-merging algorithm that we tailored to our needs.
* 14:40-15:20 Rany Kahil (Team RSD): Schedulable Mixed-critical Multi-core Systems Design
Real-time systems are integrating more and more applications on the same computational platform. This integration gives the advantages of reduced cost, weight and power consumption, which can be crucial for modern applications like Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). Different applications can have different criticality levels and may be required to meet different certification requirements, from different certification authorities. Techniques from conventional scheduling theory cannot satisfactorily schedule such systems as this will require the system to be certified as a whole to the highest level of assurance, which will result in inefficient use of resources and loosing the benefits of integration. The need arose for designing algorithms that target scheduling real-time mixed-criticality systems. This has been recognized to be a challenging problem. Many algorithms have been proposed for scheduling mixed-criticality systems, most of these consider the special case of two criticality levels and a single processor with no shared resources or interference. This motivated us to search for solutions for systems with multiple processors, shared resources and more than two levels of criticalities.
* 15:20-15:40 Break
* 15:40-16:20 Amaury Graillat (Team SYNCHRONE): Code Generation from Synchronous Language to Many-core
Synchronous languages such as SCADE or Lustre are industrially used to program control-command critical applications. Many-core processors could combine both high computation power and timing predictability needed these applications. My work is to generate code from synchronous language to the Kalray MPPA while meeting real time constraints.

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