Seminar details

salle A. Turing CE4

29 January 2015 - 14h00
Applying V&V technologies to automotive engine control: challenges and directions
by Jim Kapinski from TEMA Toyota Technical Center in Los Angeles

Abstract: In the model-based development (MBD) paradigm for embedded control software, verification and validation (V&V) technologies are critical to ensure high quality of the software. In the automotive context, powertrain control (PTC) software development is increasingly being performed using MBD principles; however, application of advanced V&V techniques to PTC software continues to be a difficult task. We present some key features of PTC systems that contribute to this challenge and discuss our perspective on the spectrum of extant V&V techniques. We argue that simulation-based techniques to increase confidence in system designs should be investigated, and we present an overview of some of our recent work in this space.

Jim Kapinski
Jim received his Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University in 2005 and was a postdoctoral researcher at CMU from 2007 to 2008. He went on to found and lead Fixed-Point Consulting, serving clients in the defense, aerospace, and automotive industries. Since 2012 he has been with the Model-Based Development group at the Toyota Technical Center in Los Angeles, serving as a Principal Engineer. His work at Toyota focuses on advanced research into verification techniques for embedded software for powertrain control systems. Jim\'s research interests include verification techniques for embedded control system designs and analysis of hybrid dynamical systems.

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