Seminar details


21 June 2012 - 15h00
Methodology for the Fault Analysis and Evaluation of True Random Number Generators
by Mathilde Soucarros Mathilde Soucarros from DGA/CEA/Institut Fourier

Abstract: True Random Number Generators have many uses, in particular they
play a key role in security applications and cryptographic algorithms. Our
interest lies in the quality of their generated random numbers. More
specifically, for such utilizations, a slight deviation of the numbers from
a “perfect” behavior can have disastrous consequences. It is then necessary
to devise schemes for the testing of these generators in order to detect
non-random properties of their numbers. Moreover, one should consider them
from an attacker point of view and use any means to try to perturb their
good functionality. In this work we describe such experiments and several
standard statistical tools for the generators testing. We also present
experimental results obtained through the study of a generator embedded in a
processor in order to illustrate our methodology. We show that its
perturbation leads to the apparition of dangerous deviations in its numbers

Slides of the Presentation.

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