Seminar details


4 October 2011 - 14h00
Multi-Criteria Optimization and its Application to Multi-Processor Embedded Systems (Phd Defense)
by Julien Legriel from VERIMAG

Abstract: In this thesis we develop new techniques for solving multi-criteria optimization problems.
Such problems arise naturally in many (if not all) application domains where choices are
evaluated according to two or more conflicting criteria such as price vs. performance.
Unlike ordinary optimization, such problems typically do not admit a unique optimum
but a set of incomparable solutions, also known as the Pareto Front, which represent the
best possible trade-offs between the conflicting goals. The major contribution of the thesis
is the development of algorithms for finding or approximating these Pareto solutions for
hard combinatorial problems that arise naturally in the process of mapping and scheduling
application software on multi-core architectures such as P2012 which is currently being
developed by ST Microelectronics.

Composition du jury proposé :
Oded MALER, CNRS-Verimag (Directeur de thèse);
Lothar THIELE, ETHZ (Rapporteur);
Eugene ASARIN, Université Paris 7 (Rapporteur);
Denis TRYSTRAM, INP Grenoble (Examinateur);
Philippe BAPTISTE, Ecole Polytechnique (Examinateur);
Jean-José BéRENGUER, STMicroelectronics (Examinateur);
Peter NIEBERT, Université de Provence (Examinateur);

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