Seminar details

CTL - Grande Salle

18 May 2011 - 10h30
PAR Method and PAR Platform for Developing Reliable Software and Its New Development
by Jinyun XUE from Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Science,

Abstract: It is a challenging task of computer scientists for increasing the reliability of software and efficiency of developing software. For answering the challenge, we are developing the PAR method and its supporting platform, called PAR platform,that is a long-term research project supported by a series of research foundations of China. PAR method and PAR platform consists of PAR programming methodology, specification and algorithm describing language Radl, abstract programming language Apla, a set of rules for specification transformation and a set of automatic transformation tools of algorithm and program. PAR provides powerful generic structures that support convenient generic programming and the methodology that supports formal derivation of executable algorithmic programs from their formal specification. PAR can be used to develop correct application program that access to database and to develop software components with high reliability.
In this talk, I will pay main attention on outlining the main parts and functions of PAR as well as innovative techniques in developing PAR. The open problem about the formal derivation and proof of the algorithm proposed by Knuth was solved by using PAR. After that, I will present some new research goals that is to add some new language mechanism to Radl and Apla. The goals are the center tasks of two research projects that were proposed by Prof. Jose Fiadeiro in UL and me that is being supported by the Chinese Ministry of Science and technology and the NSF of China.

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