Seminar details

Grande Salle de VERIMAG

7 May 2010 - 15h15
Model-based design and analysis of hybrid systems:simulation-based techniques, applications and perspectives
by Alexandre DONZE from verimag

Abstract: During this seminar, I will present my contributions to the field of
verification and analysis of continuous and hybrid systems, especially
those involving non-linear dynamics in the past, present and expected
future. I will recall the technique I proposed for the reachability
problem based on numerical simulation, event detection and sensitivity
analysis, and its application to Simulink models and in system
biology. Then I will detail my more recent work on the robust
satisfaction of temporal logic properties for real-valued signals in
dense time. This will be illustrated with a not-so-critical
application on an hybrid system generally embedded in my
pocket. Finally I will present some features of the tool Breach that I
develop in this context.

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