Seminar details

Grande Salle de VERIMAG

19 November 2009 - 14h00
Research Directions in Cyber-Physical Systems
by Bruce Krogh from Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carn

Abstract: Last year the U.S. National Science Foundation launched a new initiative in cyber-physical systems (CPS), which according to the program announcement “refers to the tight conjoining of and coordination between computational and physical resources.” The first part of this talk will review the general CPS research agenda, with some observations concerning the relationships between CPS and earlier buzzwords. The remainder of the talk will concern two new research projects that have been put under the CPS umbrella. The first project aims to augment architecture description languages (ADLs), which typically focused on “cyber” elements of systems (software, data, networks, etc.), with components and connectors that incorporate non-trivial representations of physical devices into the analysis and design of embedded control systems at the architectural level. The second project aims to extend methods for assumption generation for compositional reasoning in discrete systems to linear hybrid automata.

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