A | |
aaxl_string_to_ident [Ident] | |
aaxl_string_to_long_ident [Ident] | |
aaxl_string_to_short_ident [Ident] | |
add_suffix [Ident] | add_suffix suff id returns id suffixed by suff .
C | |
category_to_string [Aadl_ast] | |
connection_string_to_ident [Ident] | |
F | |
feature_name_of_component_name [Ident] |
The argument ougth to be a component
G | |
get_compute_execution_time [Property] | get_compute_execution_time c returns the compute execution time
interval of component c .
get_dispatch_protocol [Property] | get_dispatch_protocol c returns dispatch protocol of the comp c .
get_period [Property] | get_period c returns period of the thread c .
get_processor_binding [Property] | get_processor_binding c returns the period of the component
c .
get_provided_access_mode [Property] | |
get_required_access_mode [Property] | |
I | |
integer_to_string [Ident] | |
is_prefix [Ident] | is_prefix id1 id2 checks if id1 is a prefix of id2 .
M | |
make_add_prefix [Ident] | make_add_prefix id1 id2 adds id1 as prefix of id2 .
make_new_ident [Ident] | make_new_ident comp suffix returns an identifier based on
comp name and the suffix suffix .
O | |
of_string [Ident] | |
P | |
parse_aadl [Aadl_loader] | parse_aadl verbosity_level filename parses the aaxl file
filename and returns an AST.
T | |
to_string [Ident] | |
type_name_of_implementation_name [Ident] |
The argument ougth to be a component implementation