Courses and Curricula

 MOSIG 2: Embedded Systems

See the MOSIG Home Page

The course on Embedded Systems is taught by F. Maraninchi and F. Pétrot.


— Formal models that can be used to represent the concurrent and timed aspects of modern computer systems, and how they can be used for formal validation. Modeling principles ; synchronous models, asynchronous models ; how to use these models to build a programming language ; introduction to formal verification ; principles and applications of model-checking ; principles and applications of abstract-interpretation.

— Possible solutions for the integration of an embedded application software on a multi-processor system on a chip. Describing applications and hardware architectures; implementation of an application onto a multi-processor architecture; practical activities (using C).

 ENSIMAG 2A/Embedded Software and Systems: Formal Models for Time and Concurrency

The course on Formal Models for Time and Concurrency is taught by F. Maraninchi.

More details here.

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