Library BoundedNat.bounded_nat

Author: Jean-François Monin, Verimag, Université Grenoble Alpes

Similar to finite_set from itp13 with
  • odd/F1 renamed as even/FO
  • the parameter is the cardinal
  • definition of addition (to be used in even_bounded_nat)

Require Import Utf8.

Bounded natural numbers
The type t n represents a finite set of cardinal n, whose elements are numbered from FO to FS (... (FS FO)
Inductive t : nat Set :=
    | FO {n} : t (S n)
    | FS {n} : t n t (S n).

Fixpoint forget {n} (i : t n) : nat :=
  match i with
  | FOO
  | FS iS (forget i)

Small inversion.
Here we have no shape for 0 and 2 shapes for (S n)
Inductive shape_O : t 0 Set :=.

Inductive shape_S (n : nat) : t (S n) Set :=
    | shape_S_F0 : shape_S n FO
    | shape_S_FS : i : t n, shape_S n (FS i).

Definition t_inv {n} (i : t n) :
    match n with
    | Oshape_O
    | S nshape_S n
    end i.
Proof. destruct i; constructor. Defined.

Generic use
Section sec_example.
  Variable P : n, t n Prop.
  Lemma case_t_S n :
    P (S n) FO ( i, P (S n) (FS i))
     (i : t (S n)), P (S n) i.
    intros P0 PS i.
Here destruct i and inversion i don't work.
    destruct (t_inv i) as [ | i]; cbn.
    - exact P0.
    - apply PS.
End sec_example.

An administrative lifting function (lift1) is needed.

Definition t_n_Sm {n m} (i: t (S (m + n))) : t (m + S n).
  rewrite <- plus_n_Sm; exact i.

Fixpoint lift1 m {n} (i : t n) : t (m + n) :=
  match i in t n return t (m + n) with
  | FOt_n_Sm FO
  | FS it_n_Sm (FS (lift1 m i))

Fixpoint Fplus {n m : nat} (i : t n) (j : t m) : t (n + m) :=
  match i with
  | @FO nlift1 (S n) j
  | FS iFS (Fplus i j)