Library BoundedNat.bounded_even

Author: Jean-François Monin, Verimag, Université Grenoble Alpes
Even bounded natural numbers and half
  • computing the half using the Braga method without graph
  • definition of even_rect using even_inv_π = combination small inversion + projection ⟶ the technique works on "second level dependent types" as well

Require Import Utf8 bounded_nat looping_absurd.

Definition of even

Inductive even : {n}, t n Prop :=
  | even_0 {n} : even (@FO n)
  | even_2 {n} (i: t n) : even i even (FS (FS i)).

Small inversion
Inductive is_even_0 {n} : even (@FO n) Prop :=
   | is_even_0_intro : is_even_0 even_0.

Inductive no_even1 {n} : even (FS (@FO n)) Prop :=.

Inductive is_even_2 {n} (i: t n) : even (FS (FS i)) Prop :=
   | is_even_2_intro (e : even i) : is_even_2 i (even_2 i e).

Definition even_inv {n} {i : t n} (e : even i) :
    match i return even i Prop with
    | @FO nis_even_0
    | FS i
        match i return even (FS i) Prop with
        | @FO nno_even1
        | FS iis_even_2 i
    end e.
Proof. destruct e; constructor. Defined.

Simple Applications

The basic one
Lemma even_2_inv : n (i: t n), even (FS (FS i)) even i.
  intros n i e.
  inversion e. subst.
Undo 2.
  destruct (even_inv e) as [e]. exact e.

Additions and even numbers.
We show even (i + j) even i even j on bounded natural numbers.

Fixpoint even_lift1 m {n} {i: t n} : even (lift1 m i) even i.
  intro e.
  destruct i as [ | n i]; simpl in e.
  - constructor 1.
  - destruct i as [ | n i];
      repeat (unfold t_n_Sm in e; rewrite <- plus_n_Sm in e; simpl in e).
    + destruct (even_inv e).
    + destruct (even_inv e) as [e]. constructor 2. apply (even_lift1 m n i e).

Lemma even_plus_left n m (i: t n) (j: t m) : even (Fplus i j) even i even j.
  intros eij ei.
  induction ei as [ | n i ei IHei]; simpl in eij.
  - apply (even_lift1 (S n) eij).
  - inversion eij. subst.
terrific !
Undo 2.
    destruct (even_inv eij) as [eij]. exact (IHei eij).

Remark: another lifting function can be defined as well.
Simpler than lift1, but unused here
Fixpoint lift2 {n} (i : t n) m : t (n + m) :=
  match i in t n return t (n + m) with
  | FOFO
  | FS iFS (lift2 i m)

Fixpoint even_lift2 {n} (i: t n) : m, even (lift2 i m) even i.
  intros m e.
  destruct i as [ | n i]; simpl in e.
  - constructor 1.
  - destruct i as [ | n i]; simpl in e.
    + destruct (even_inv e).
    + destruct (even_inv e) as [e]. constructor 2. apply (even_lift2 n i m e).

Computation of the half of an even bounded natural number i.

The termination certificate for input i is the proof of even i
Defining the desired projection even (FS (FS i)) even i requires auxiliary administrative steps relating the double predecessor of i : t n with the double predecessor of n. Unfortunately, the predecessor functions need to be guarded (no default value is available at call), hence the use of Fexc from looping_absurd.
Definition is_S_S n : Prop :=
  match n with S (S n) ⇒ T | _F end.

Definition is_FS_FS {n} (i: t n) : Prop :=
  match i with FS (FS i) ⇒ T | _F end.

Guard conversion
Interactive version
Lemma iFF_iSS_inter {n} (i : t n): is_FS_FS i is_S_S n.
  destruct i as [ | n1 [ | n2 i]]; intro G; now case G.

Explicit version
Definition iFF_iSS {n} {i: t n} : is_FS_FS i is_S_S n :=
  match i in t n return is_FS_FS i is_S_S n with
 | FOfun famatch fa with end
 | FS i
     match i in t n return is_FS_FS (FS i) is_S_S (S n) with
     | FOfun famatch fa with end
     | FS ifun _I

Guarded double predecessors
Definition pr2 n : is_S_S n nat :=
  match n with
  | S (S x) ⇒ fun _x
  | _fun faFexc fa

Definition fpred2 {m} (j: t m) : G : is_FS_FS j, t (pr2 m (iFF_iSS G)) :=
  match j in t m return G: is_FS_FS j, t (pr2 m (iFF_iSS G)) with
  | FS j
    match j in t m return G: is_FS_FS (FS j), t (pr2 (S m) (iFF_iSS G)) with
    | FS jfun _j
    | _fun faFexc fa
  | _fun faFexc fa

The projection
Definition πeven {n} {i: t n} (D: even (FS (FS i))) : even i :=
  match D in even j return
     G: is_FS_FS j, even (fpred2 j G) with
  | even_2 i efun _e
  | _fun famatch fa with end
  end I.

Smaller inversion to be used for defining richer functions such as even_rect
Inductive is_even_2_π {n} (i: t n) (e : even (FS (FS i))) : even (FS (FS i)) Prop :=
   | is_even_2_π_intro : is_even_2_π i e (even_2 i (πeven e)).

Definition even_inv_π {n} {i : t n} (e : even i) :
  match i return even i even i Prop with
    | @FO nfun _is_even_0
    | FS i
        match i return even (FS i) even (FS i) Prop with
        | @FO nfun _no_even1
        | FS ifun eis_even_2_π i e
    end e e.
Proof. destruct e; constructor. Defined.

Now we can define fixpoints on even i
Fixpoint half_in_nat {n} (i: t n) (D: even i) {struct D} : nat :=
  match i with
  | FOfun _ ⇒ 0
  | FS i
    match i return even (FS i) nat with
    | FOfun D ⇒ (Fexc (match even_inv D with end))
    | FS ifun DS (half_in_nat i (πeven D))
  end D.

A proof by fixpoint
Fixpoint double_half_in_nat {n} (i: t n) (D: even i) {struct D} :
  let h := half_in_nat i D in forget i = h + h.
  destruct D as [n | n i D]; cbn.
  - reflexivity.
  - rewrite (double_half_in_nat n i D).
    set (h := half_in_nat i D). rewrite plus_n_Sm. reflexivity.

General recursion principle on bounded even numbers
Crucial use of even_inv_π
Definition even_rect (P : n (i : t n), even i Type)
         (P0 : n, P (S n) (@FO n) even_0)
         (P2 : n (i : t n) (e :even i), P n i e P (S (S n)) (FS (FS i)) (even_2 i e)) :
   {n} (i: t n) (e: even i), P n i e.
  refine (
  fix fxp {n} (i: t n) (e: even i) {struct e} : P n i e :=
    match i in t n return e : even i, P n i e with
    | FOfun e_
    | FS i
        match i in t n return e : even (FS i), P (S n) (FS i) e with
        | FOfun e ⇒ (Fexc (match even_inv e with end))
        | FS ifun e_
    end e).
  - destruct (even_inv e). apply P0.
  - destruct (even_inv_π e). apply P2. apply fxp.

For programming purposes
Definition even_fold := even_rect.
Arguments even_fold {P} P0 P2 {n}.

Previous exercise using this induction principle

Lemma double_half_in_nat_by_rect {n} (i: t n) (D: even i) :
  let h := half_in_nat i D in forget i = h + h.
  induction D as [n | n i D HD] using even_rect; cbn.
  - reflexivity.
  - rewrite HD.
    set (h := half_in_nat i D). rewrite plus_n_Sm. reflexivity.

A less coarse half function
Fixpoint half_in_t {n} (i: t n) (D: even i) {struct D} : t n :=
  match i in t n return even i t n with
  | FOfun _FO
  | FS i
    match i in t n return even (FS i) t (S n) with
    | FOfun D ⇒ (Fexc (match even_inv D with end))
    | FS ifun DFS (lift1 1 (half_in_t i (πeven D)))
  end D.

Definition half_in_t_by_fold {n} (i: t n) (e: even i) : t n :=
     (fun n ⇒ @FO n)
     (fun n i e haFS (lift1 1 ha)) i e.