Library HoareTut.exgcd

The very classical example of GCD computation in Hoare logic.

This file is part of the "Tutorial on Hoare Logic". For an introduction to this Coq library, see or index.html.
This file illustrates how to use the Hoare logic described in file hoarelogicsemantics
I use here the very classical example of "great common divisor" computations through successive subtractions.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Require Import ZArith.
Require Import Znumtheory.
Require Import Bool.
Require Import hoarelogic.
Require Import Zwf.
Require Import Wellfounded.

Implementation of the expression language

Module Example <: ExprLang.

Here, I use only two global variables VX and VY of type Z (binary integers).
Inductive ExVar: Type Type :=
  VX: (ExVar Z) |
  VY: (ExVar Z).

Definition Var:=ExVar.

An environment is just a pair of integers. First component represents VX and second component represents VY. This is expressed in upd and get below.
Definition Env:= (Z×Z)%type.

Definition upd (A:Type): (ExVar A) A Env Env :=
 fun x
   match x in (ExVar A) return A Env Env with
   | VXfun vx e(vx,snd e)
   | VYfun vy e(fst e,vy)

Definition get (A:Type): (ExVar A) Env A :=
 fun x
   match x in (ExVar A) return Env A with
   | VXfun efst e
   | VYfun esnd e

I consider only two binary operators PLUS and MINUS. Their meaning is given by eval_binOP below
Inductive binOP: Type := PLUS | MINUS.

Definition eval_binOP: binOP Z Z Z :=
 fun opmatch op with
  | PLUSZplus
  | MINUSZminus

I consider only three comparison operators EQ, NEQ and LE. Their meaning is given by eval_relOP below
Inductive relOP: Type := EQ | NEQ | LE.

Definition eval_relOP: relOP Z Z bool :=
 fun opmatch op with
  | EQZeq_bool
  | NEQZneq_bool
  | LEZle_bool

Here is the abstract syntax of expressions. The semantics is given by eval below
Inductive ExExpr: Type Type :=
 | const: (A:Type), A (ExExpr A)
 | binop: binOP (ExExpr Z) (ExExpr Z) (ExExpr Z)
 | relop: relOP (ExExpr Z) (ExExpr Z) (ExExpr bool)
 | getvar: (A:Type), (ExVar A) (ExExpr A).

Definition Expr:= ExExpr.

Fixpoint eval (A:Type) (expr:Expr A) (e:Env) { struct expr } : A :=
 match expr in ExExpr A return A with
 | const A vv
 | binop op e1 e2eval_binOP op (eval e1 e) (eval e2 e)
 | relop op e1 e2eval_relOP op (eval e1 e) (eval e2 e)
 | getvar A x ⇒ (get x e)

End Example.

Instantiation of the Hoare logic on this langage.

Module HL := HoareLogic(Example).
Import HL.
Import Example.

These coercions makes the abstract syntax more user-friendly
A last coercion useful for assertions
Coercion get: ExVar >-> Funclass.

A gcd computation in this language

Definition gcd :=
  (Iwhile (NEQ VX VY)
          (Iif (LE VX VY)
               (Iset VY (MINUS VY VX))
               (Iset VX (MINUS VX VY)))).

A small technical lemma on the mathematical notion of gcd (called Zis_gcd)
Lemma Zgcd_minus: a b d:Z, Zis_gcd a (b - a) d Zis_gcd a b d.
  intros a b d H; case H; constructor; intuition (auto with zarith).
  replace b with (b-a+a)%Z.
  auto with zarith.

Hint Resolve Zgcd_minus: zarith.

Two other lemmas relating Zneq_bool function with inequality relation
Lemma Zneq_bool_false: x y, Zneq_bool x y=false x=y.
 intros x y H0; apply Zcompare_Eq_eq; generalize H0; clear H0; unfold Zneq_bool. case (x ?= y)%Z; auto;
 try (intros; discriminate); auto.

Lemma Zneq_bool_true: x y, Zneq_bool x y=true xy.
 intros x y; unfold Zneq_bool.
 intros H H0; subst.
 rewrite Z.compare_refl in H.

Hint Resolve Zneq_bool_true Zneq_bool_false Zle_bool_imp_le Zis_gcd_intro: zarith.

Partial correctness proof of gcd

Lemma gcd_partial_proof:
  x0 y0, (fun e(VX e)=x0 (VY e)=y0)
   |= gcd {= fun e ⇒ (Zis_gcd x0 y0 (VX e)) =}.
 intros x0 y0.
 apply PHL.soundness.
 intros e; intuition subst.
after PO generation, I provide the invariant and simplify the goal
 constructor 1 with (x:=fun e'
   d, (Zis_gcd (VX e') (VY e') d)
              ->(Zis_gcd (VX e) (VY e) d)); simpl.
 intuition auto with zarith.
  • invariant => postcondition
 replace (snd e') with (fst e') in H; auto with zarith.

Total correctness proof of gcd

Lemma gcd_total_proof:
  x0 y0, (fun e(VX e)=x0 (VY e)=y0 x0 > 0 y0 > 0)
  |= gcd [= fun e ⇒ (Zis_gcd x0 y0 (VX e)) =].
 intros x0 y0.
 apply THL.soundness.
 intros e; intuition subst.
after simplification, I provide the invariant and then the variant
 constructor 1 with (x:=fun e'(VX e') > 0 (VY e') > 0
   d, (Zis_gcd (VX e') (VY e') d)
              ->(Zis_gcd (VX e) (VY e) d)); simpl.
 constructor 1 with (x:=fun e1 e0Zwf 0 ((VX e1)+(VY e1)) ((VX e0)+(VY e0))).
  • proof that my variant is a well_founded relation
 constructor 1.
 apply wf_inverse_image with (f:=fun e(VX e)+(VY e)).
 auto with datatypes.
  • other goals
  unfold Zwf; simpl; (intuition auto with zarith).
invariant => postcondition gcd part like in partial correctness proof
  replace (snd e') with (fst e') in H5; auto with zarith.
new VY in branch "then" is positive
  cut ((fst e')<=(snd e')); auto with zarith.
  cut ((fst e')<>(snd e')); auto with zarith.
new VX in branch "else" is positive
  cut (¬(fst e')<=(snd e')); auto with zarith.
  intros X; rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ X) in H4.

Another example: infinite loops in partial correctness.

Basic Hoare logic is not well-suited for reasoning about non-terminating programs. In total correctness, postconditions of non-terminating programs are not provable. In partial correctness, a non-terminating program satisfies any (unsatisfiable) postcondition.
For example, in an informal "meaning", the program below enumerates all multiples of 3. But this meaning can not be expressed here (even in partial correctness).

Definition enum_3N :=
  (Iseq (Iset VX (const 0))
        (Iwhile (const true)
                (Iset VX (PLUS VX (const 3))))).

Lemma enum_3N_stupid:
 (fun eTrue) |= enum_3N {= fun eFalse =}.
 apply PHL.soundness.
 constructor 1 with (x:=fun _:EnvTrue).
 intuition (discriminate || auto).

"Tutorial on Hoare Logic" Library. Copyright 2007 Sylvain Boulme.
This file is distributed under the terms of the "GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE" version 3.