ANR INS, 2014-2017

ALgebraic Methods for Real-Time and HYbrid Model Checking (Méthodes ALgébriques pour la vérification de modèles Temporisés et HYbrides)

The MALTHY project (2014-2017), funded by ANR in the program INS 2013 (Ingénierie Numérique et Sécurité), brings together academic and industrial researchers from Computer Science and Mathematics. The project is coordinated by Thao Dang (VERIMAG), and 5 partners of the project are : VERIMAG, CEA-LIST, IRISA/INRIA Rennes, INRIA Saclay, VISEO/Object Direct.

The project aims at advancing the state-of-the-art in real-time and hybrid model checking by applying advanced methods and tools from linear algebra and algebraic geometry.

Voir en ligne : MALTHY Project