AMT 0.3b

AMT: tool for property-based monitoring of analog and mixed-signal simulation traces


Qt 4.4.0 and Qwt 5.1.1 libraries


User guide

STL/PSL Language


For impressions, questions and bug reports, contact us at


AMT is distributed as a binary executable under the AMT Licence.

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Related publications

  1. O. Maler, D. Nickovic and A. Pnueli. Checking Temporal Properties of Discrete, Timed and Continuous Behaviors, In Trakhtenbrot Festschrift, 2007 [pdf]
  2. D. Nickovic and O. Maler. AMT: A Property-based Monitoring Tool for Analog Systems, In Proc. Formal Modelling and Analysis of Timed Systems (FORMATS), 2007 [pdf] [slides]
  3. O. Maler and D. Nickovic. Monitoring Temporal Properties of Continuous Signals. In Proc. Formal Modelling and Analysis of Timed Systems (FORMATS), 2004 [pdf] [slides]
  4. K. Jones, V. Konrad and D. Nickovic. Analog Property Checkers: A DDR2 Case Study. In Proc. Formal Verification of Analog Circuits (FAC), 2008 [preliminary]