about me

MCF (section 27) ENSIMAG/Verimag

Since October 1st, 2020, I am maître de conférences at Grenoble INP – ENSIMAG and the Verimag laboratory, where I belong to the MOHYTOS team.

Since 2024 I am the coordinator of the second year of the engineering cycle at Grenoble INP – ENSIMAG.

From September 2019 to September 2020, I was a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Luxembourg🇱🇺, within the SaToSS group.

I passed my PhD viva on September 5th, 2019 (pdf). I was a PhD student from October 2016 to August 2019 at LIPN, funded by ANR PACS project. My supervisors were Etienne André & Didier Lime. I worked within the SAFER team of the LIPN (formerly LCR then LoVe team), Université Sorbonne Paris Nord. Prior to that, I did my MSc research internship at LS2N, École Centrale de Nantes in the STR team.

Currently, my primary area of interest revolves around exploring the impact of formal verification techniques on enhancing cybersecurity measures: how formal methods can be employed to strengthen the security frameworks of modern systems, mitigate vulnerabilities, and provide provable guarantees for critical applications. Additionally, I am keen on investigating the reliability and safety challenges associated with generative models, particularly large language models (LLMs), including issues related to robustness.

During my PhD, I was mostly interested in parametric model-checking and particularly in the study of (un)decidability TCTL problems for subclasses of parametric timed automata, the application of these theoretical results to risk management through extensions of attack trees. Another research interest is the study of hybrid systems.

From May to August 2019, I was working in Ichiro Hasuo's ERATO MMSD research project in Tokyo, Japan.

I also hold a foundation degree (BTS) in communication and management of graphical industries from Gobelins, l'école de l'image.