Courses [2018-now] (FR) 2020-08-20 + Reading Time: 1 min Section: Teaching Tags: fr Where? Ensimag Phelma What? Rentrée vers un numérique responsable (Ensimag 1A, 2023-…) Tables rondes métiers et responsabilités des ingénieur.e.s (Ensimag 2A, 2023-…) Validation of (critical) embedded systems; introduction to abstract interpretation. With Pascal Raymond. Ensimag, Master 2 level, Embedded Software and Systems Real-Time Systems, Constraints and Implementation Ensimag, Master 1 level, Embedded Software and Systems Operating Systems and Concurrent Programming Ensimag, Master 1 level Architecture 1: Digital circuits and computer architecture elements Ensimag, Bachelor level Conception et exploitation des processeurs Ensimag, Bachelor level