
    title = { {LusSy}: A Toolbox for the Analysis of Systems-on-a-Chip at the Transactional Level },
    author = {Moy, Matthieu and Maraninchi, Florence and Maillet-Contoz, Laurent},
    month = {June},
    year = {2005},
    booktitle = {International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design},
    pages = {26--35},
    team = {SYNC},
    abstract = {We describe a toolbox for the analysis of Systems-on-a-chip described in {SystemC} at the transactional level. The tools are able to extract information from {SystemC} code, and to build a set of parallel automata that capture the semantics of a {SystemC} design, including the transaction-level specific constructs. As far as we know, this provides the first executable formal semantics of {SystemC}. Being implemented as a traditional compiler front-end, it is able to deal with general {SystemC} designs. The intermediate representation is now connected to existing formal verification tools via appropriate encodings. The toolbox is open and other tools will be used in the future. },


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