
    title = { {MARTES} - {Modelling and Analysis of Real Time and Embedded Systems Using UML} },
    author = {Graf, Susanne and G\'erard, S\'ebastien and Haugen, Oystein and Ober, Iulian and Selic, Bran},
    year = {2006},
    booktitle = {MoDELS 2006 International Workshops, Doctoral Symposium, Educators Symposium; Genoa, October 2006, Revised Selected Papers},
    series = {LNCS},
    volume = {4364},
    team = {DCS},
    abstract = {This paper presents an overview on the outcomes of the workshop MARTES on Modelling and Analysis of Real Time and Embedded Systems that has taken place for the second time in association with the MoDELS/UML 2006 conference. Important themes discussed at this workshop concerned (1) tools for analysis and model transformation and (2) concepts for modelling quantitative aspects with the perspective of analysis.},


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