
    title = { Qualification d'architectures fontionnelles },
    author = {Bozga, Marius and Combes, Pierre and Graf, Susanne and Monin, Wei and Moteau, Nicolas},
    year = {2006},
    booktitle = {Notere'06},
    team = {DCS,PACSS},
    abstract = {The scope of this paper is the development of a method supported by tools for the qualification of distributed functional architectures. Architecture qualification is concerned by the analysis of Quality of service criteria, such as performance, and resource dimensioning. This qualification implies the modelling of the functional architecture and its components, in a structured and step-wise view, using different UML2 diagrams. The functional architecture should be validated in terms of dependability and conformity, but also in terms of performance and resource dimensioning. The functional behaviour analysis is based on the use of UML activity diagrams, and this paper proposes some new operators in order to improve the readability and efficiency of activity diagrams. Finally the annotated UML diagrams are translated towards models for performance evaluation.},


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