Package ujf.verimag.bip.cmodel.impl

Class Summary
CArgumentImpl An implementation of the model object 'CArgument'.
CAssignStmImpl An implementation of the model object 'CAssign Stm'.
CBlockImpl An implementation of the model object 'CBlock'.
CBlockStmImpl An implementation of the model object 'CBlock Stm'.
CBodyItemImpl An implementation of the model object 'CBody Item'.
CCallableImpl An implementation of the model object 'CCallable'.
CCallImpl An implementation of the model object 'CCall'.
CCaseItemImpl An implementation of the model object 'CCase Item'.
CClassImpl An implementation of the model object 'CClass'.
CConditionalExpressionImpl An implementation of the model object 'CConditional Expression'.
CConditionalStmImpl An implementation of the model object 'CConditional Stm'.
CConstructorImpl An implementation of the model object 'CConstructor'.
CCreatorImpl An implementation of the model object 'CCreator'.
CDataImpl An implementation of the model object 'CData'.
CEnumTypeImpl An implementation of the model object 'CEnum Type'.
CExpressionImpl An implementation of the model object 'CExpression'.
CForImpl An implementation of the model object 'CFor'.
CFunctionCallImpl An implementation of the model object 'CFunction Call'.
CFunctionImpl An implementation of the model object 'CFunction'.
CHeaderTextImpl An implementation of the model object 'CHeader Text'.
CHierarchyImpl An implementation of the model object 'CHierarchy'.
CIfStmImpl An implementation of the model object 'CIf Stm'.
CIncludeImpl An implementation of the model object 'CInclude'.
CIndexedImpl An implementation of the model object 'CIndexed'.
CInitializationImpl An implementation of the model object 'CInitialization'.
CInitParameterImpl An implementation of the model object 'CInit Parameter'.
CItemImpl An implementation of the model object 'CItem'.
CJumpImpl An implementation of the model object 'CJump'.
CLiteralImpl An implementation of the model object 'CLiteral'.
CmodelFactoryImpl An implementation of the model Factory.
CmodelPackageImpl An implementation of the model Package.
CModuleImpl An implementation of the model object 'CModule'.
CNavigationImpl An implementation of the model object 'CNavigation'.
COperationImpl An implementation of the model object 'COperation'.
CPointedImpl An implementation of the model object 'CPointed'.
CReturnImpl An implementation of the model object 'CReturn'.
CSimpleNameImpl An implementation of the model object 'CSimple Name'.
CStmImpl An implementation of the model object 'CStm'.
CStructuredImpl An implementation of the model object 'CStructured'.
CSwitchStmImpl An implementation of the model object 'CSwitch Stm'.
CTextImpl An implementation of the model object 'CText'.
CTypeConvertionImpl An implementation of the model object 'CType Convertion'.
CTypedElementImpl An implementation of the model object 'CTyped Element'.
CWhileStmImpl An implementation of the model object 'CWhile Stm'.