The Open Workshop on Synchronous Languages and Systems

SYNCHRON, the International Open Workshop on Synchronous Programming, is devoted to all aspects of synchronous programming: languages, compiling techniques, formal methods, programming environments, execution platforms, semantics issues, code generation. This traditional workshop has become the annual rendez-vous hotpot of the synchronous community and a ’must’ event for anyone interested in keeping up with the latest developments, in front and behind the scenes, in academic and industrial synchronous research. The workshop is renowned for its informal and open character.

2009 Edition Dagstuhl, Germany
2008 Edition Aussois, France
2007 Edition Bamberg, Germany
2006 Edition L’alpe d’Huez, France
2005 Edition Qwara, Malta
2004 Edition Dagstuhl, Germany
2003 Edition Luminy, France
2002 Edition La Londe les Maures, France
2001 Edition Dagstuhl, Germany
2000 Edition St Nazaire, France
1999 Edition Hyères, France
1998 Edition Gandía, Spain
1997 Edition Roscoff, France
1996 Edition Dagstuhl, Germany
1995 Edition Luminy, France
1994 Edition Dagstuhl, Germany

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