Junior research professorship on cybersecurity at the software-hardware boundary

CNRS, a French national research organization, is to open a research position at either of four laboratory, including Verimag.

The position is tenure-track: after 3 to 6 years, the applicant may get tenure as senior researcher (directeur de recherche) at CNRS. This is a tenured full-time research position (though it is possible to teach, as an extra duty).

Verimag is jointly operated by CNRS, Université Grenoble Alpes and Grenoble-INP.

Cybersecurity is an essential requirement for all current systems, both for the hardware and the software layers. Traditionally, research focuses on one of these layers and requires, for the hardware layer, physical access to the hardware (in order to make measurements or introduce disturbances).

However, there are information leaks and fault-based attacks that use components without requiring physical access to them. This type of attack can thus be carried out by software and are thus remotely executable (for instance by running Javascript code present on a simple web page). They may exploit vulnerabilities of runtime systems.

These new families of attacks, at the interface between software and hardware, are probably one of the most important - and perhaps least anticipated - threats of the decade.

Please get in touch with Verimag’s director if interested.

The official announcements and link to the application process is on the CNRS website.

View online : official announcement

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