Room 206 (2nd floor, badged access)
23 January 2025 - 14h00
Reachability Analysis and its Application to Verification and Control of Cyber-Physical Systems
by Niklas Kochdumper from IRIF, Université Paris Cité
Abstract: Modern cyber-physical systems, such as autonomous cars, surgical robots, or power systems, often exhibit highly nonlinear dynamics, making them hard to analyze, verify, and control. In addition, with the current trend towards artificial intelligence, cyber-physical systems are often combined with neural network components, which increases their complexity and nonlinearity even further. One of the most promising techniques for addressing the verification of such complex cyber-physical systems is reachability analysis, which is the main topic of this talk. In particular, the talk will present recent advances in reachability analysis enabled by novel non-convex set representations, and also discuss some closely related topics such as neural network verification, conformance checking, and safe-by-construction controller synthesis.