Seminar details

Room 206 (2nd floor, badged access)

28 November 2024 - 14h00
Reducing copies and memory consumption in synchronous languages
by Grégoire BUSSONE from ENS, équipe Parkas (Inria-ENS)

Abstract: Reactive embedded systems are systems that interact periodically with their environment, by reading sensors and activating actuators. Engineers model these systems in the form of block diagrams, which are transcribed by the modeling software into a so-called synchronous programming language, before being compiled into low-level imperative code. In the case of critical systems, the code produced in this way must satisfy worst-case execution time constraints, to guarantee responsiveness, and worst-case memory consumption, due to hardware limitations.
In my PhD thesis, I study the addition of location annotations and indirections in a synchronous language with arrays to avoid implicit copies added at compile time and thus improve execution time. I'm also studying the compilation of automata, a high-level construct, to reduce their memory consumption. Rather than compiling to C, I'm experimenting with Rust as a target language.

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