Seminar details

Room 206 (3rd floor, badged access)

14 March 2024 - 13h15
Observing energy consumption: from hardware to software source code
by Adel NOUREDDINE from University of Pau, laboratoire LIUPPA

Abstract: Reducing the energy and environmental impacts of ICT is a necessity today for a sustainable computing future.
Optimizing energy in computing systems, from IoT objects to data centers, can also be addresses at the software level as software run and control these devices and systems.
In this talk, we explore our approaches on observing software energy at various granularity, from measuring and modeling hardware devices and components, towards mapping hardware energy to the software layers up to the source code.
The heterogeneity and variability of hardware and software makes this goal quite challenging, and requires providing an umbrella of tools, models and approaches to measure energy in various architectures, operating systems and software.
Bio: Adel Noureddine is an Associate Professor HDR in computer science at the University of Pau and Pays de l’Adour, France. He holds a PhD in computer science from the University of Lille and Inria in 2014, and has worked in research positions in computer science in France and the UK, and in the private and public sectors.
His main research areas are around green IT and green software engineering, behavioral computer science, empirical software engineering, and autonomic computing. In particular, he is interested in the role of software and its generated data in energy-efficient, green, autonomous and smart adaptations in cyber-physical systems.

Candidat potentiel au poste de professeur Polytech/Verimag.
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