Seminar details

Auditorium, ground floor (Building IMAG)

9 June 2023 - 15h00
Hardware and software analyses for precise and efficient timing analysis (HDR)
by claire maiza from GrenobleINP/ Ensimag, Verimag

Abstract: ***changement de salle: auditorium***
J'ai le plaisir de vous inviter à ma soutenance d'HDR qui aura lieu le 9 juin 2023 dans **l'auditorium** au rez-de-chaussée du bâtiment IMAG:
Hardware and software analyses for precise and efficient timing analysis
In hard real-time systems, encountered for example in the transportation, energy or medical domains, programs must not only provide a functionally correct result but also guarantee timing constraints.
Our researches focus on timing models and analyses which aim to get precise bounds on execution time and delays. Generally, these models focus on a single hardware or software aspect. On the hardware side, our models and analyses focus on cache memories, memory bus arbitration and memory access ways in multi-core and many-core platforms.
As part of software analysis, we took benefit from the infeasible path elimination during analysis: the idea is that the computation of the worst-case execution time should ignore paths that are not semantically possible.
Additionally, we have shown that a better integration of software and hardware analyses leads to more precise bounds.
In the context of multi-core timing systems, we have shown that timing analysis can benefit both from a better knowledge of software and hardware, and from the integration of timing analysis with the last step of implementation.
We show how and where our work leads to changing the point of view on timing analysis in order to improve it. Finally, we expose the current state of the art and which gaps must still be filled to obtain a complete and efficient timing analysis.
Jury :
+ Rapporteurs :
- Sandrine Blazy (PR, Univ. Rennes)
- Christopher Guill (PR, St Louis USA)
- Marc Pouzet (PR, ENS Paris)
+ Examinateurs:
- Laure Gonnord (PR, GrenobleINP Esisar)
- Laurence Pierre (PR, UGA)
- Jean-Luc Schrabarg (PR, Toulouse INP)

P.S: Si vous souhaitez y assister à distance, merci de me contacter pour que je vous envoie le lien.
La soutenance sera suivie par un pot dans le patio du bâtiment IMAG

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