Seminar details

Room 206 (2nd floor, badged access)

23 February 2023 - 15h30
Collaborative development of safe and secure cyber-physical systems
by Imen Sayar from IRIT-SM@RT

Abstract: Over the last decades, the complexity of systems has significantly increased, leading to a rise in the need for improving the methodology and tools for developing such systems. The quality of cyber-physical systems (CPS) depends not only on their ability to meet customer needs but also on their security against software attacks. In this presentation, I will describe my research activities to deal with the aforementioned challenges about system safety and security. I will first describe our
methodology for transforming informal requirements into correct-by-construction systems by ensuring their early verification and validation.
In the second part of my presentation, I will describe the cyber-security aspect of the applications by illustrating our study about the detection of a particular form of vulnerability at the code level, the deserialization. This study is part of my research path aiming at taking into account the cyber-security aspect of CPS in the upstream phases of the development process i.e., the requirements analysis phase.

Candidate potentielle au poste MCF IM2AG/Verimag pour 2023.
Hybrid mode: remote speaker in room 206.

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