Seminar details
11 February 2021 - 14h00
Formal Modelling and Symbolic Analysis of Ecosystems
by Franck POMMEREAU from University of Évry

Abstract: Joint work with : Cédric Gaucherel, Colin Thomas, Stefan Haar, Giann Karlo Aguirre Samboni
Abstract : Several concepts have recently been proposed to understand long-term ecosystem dynamics. These include basins of attraction expressing resilience and tipping points expressing sharp changes in ecosystem’s behavior, which are increasingly being used in ecology. Yet these temporal features remain difficult to identify and quantify, as models usually focus on part of the ecosystem behaviour only. We propose an original family of models designed to comprehensively characterize ecosystem dynamics over the long term. Such models are based on discrete systems borrowed from theoretical computer sciences. We developed a qualitative model based on Petri nets, made up of a relational graph (interaction network) which was then rigorously handled with transition rules. Unlike traditional models and graph theory approaches, such rules may strongly modify the graph structure (i.e. a dynamical topology). We present how these models can be analysed in various ways: explicitly (by enumerating all the reachable states), symbolically (by representing the state space as decision diagrams), and through Petri nets unfoldings (which is new ongoing work).

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