Seminar details
28 January 2021 - 14h00
Symbolic Monitoring against Specifications Parametric in Time and Data
by Etienne André from Université de Lorraine

Access Code: 031456
Monitoring consists in deciding whether a log meets a given specification. In this work, we propose an automata-based formalism to monitor logs in the form of actions associated with time stamps and arbitrarily data values over infinite domains. Our formalism uses both timing parameters and data parameters, and is able to output answers symbolic in these parameters and in the log segments where the property is satisfied or violated. We implemented our approach in an ad-hoc prototype HaMoNi, and experiments show that its high expressive power still allows for efficient online monitoring.
This is a joint work with Masaki Waga and Ichiro Hasuo presented at CAV 2019. DOI:

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