Seminar details

Maison Jean Kuntzmann (MJK)
9 March 2016 - 11h00
Mixed-Criticalities and Probabilities
by Luca Santinelli from ONERA (French Aerospace Lab)

Abstract: In this talk I will discuss possible point of contacts between the mixed-criticality problem (modeling and analysis) and the probabilistic real-time (timing analysis and schedulability).
I will propose 3 main parts where probabilities could help enhancing both the mixed-critical modeling and the mixed-critical scheduling.

About the speaker:
Luca Santinelli, ONERA (French Aerospace Lab)
Luca Santinelli is a fellow research engineer at the ONERA (French AereospaceLab).
His main research interests include real-time operating systems, schedulability and scheduling algorithms, energy aware scheduling, dynamic and adaptive resource reservation/allocation policies, probabilistic real-time modeling and analysis, real-time controls and artificial intelligence.

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