Seminar details


10 December 2015 - 13h30
Design flow for the rigorous development of networked embedded systems (Phd Defense)
by Alexios Lekidis from Verimag/DCS

Abstract: Networked embedded systems have emerged as a major technological advance over the last years. Since they are used in a vast variety of applications, the main arising challenge is to develop functional applications whilst ensuring their design challenges. These challenges relate to the limited hardware resources (e.g. processor memory, power unit) and also their heterogeneity in terms of software, hardware as well as communication mechanisms. A well-known formalism, considering all these challenges, is model-based design since it allows the simulation and validation of complex-heterogeneous systems in every stage of the development. In this thesis we present a new approach, based on a design flow, which applies model-based design and verification techniques in networked embedded systems. The soundness of the approach is proved through its application in several areas, such as automotive, industrial automation, Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) and Internet of Things (IoT) systems.

Prof. Roman Obermaisser
Universität Siegen, Rapporteur
Prof. Roberto Passerone
University of Trento, Rapporteur
Prof. Smail Niar
Université de Valenciennes, Examinateur
Prof. Ahmed Lbath
Université Joseph Fourier Grenoble, Examinateur
Marius Bozga, IR/CNRS
CNRS/Verimag, Directeur de thèse
Prof. Saddek Bensalem
Université Joseph Fourier Grenoble, Co-Directeur de thèse

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