Seminar details

salle A. Turing CE4

16 October 2015 - 09h30
A Few Notes on the Implementation of Convex Polyhedra Using the Double Description Framework
by Enea Zaffanella from Università degli Studi di Parma

Abstract: The first part of the seminar presents an algorithm for the removal of
constraints (resp., generators) from a convex polyhedron represented
in the Double Description framework. Instead of recomputing the dual
representation from scratch, the algorithm tries to better exploit the
information available in the DD pair, so as to capitalize on the
computational work already done. A preliminary experimental evaluation
shows that significant efficiency improvements can be obtained.
The second part of the seminar will focus on the use of the domain of convex
polyhedra in a specific static analysis tool, hinting at possible ways
to improve the efficiency of the analysis.

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