Seminar details

Grande Salle de VERIMAG

3 March 2011 - 14h00
CADP 2010: A Toolbox for the Construction and Analysis of Distributed Processe
by Hubert Garavel from INRIA

Abstract: CADP (Construction and Analysis of Distributed Processes) is a comprehensive
software toolbox that implements the results of concurrency theory. Started
the mid 80s, CADP has been continuously developed by adding new tools and
enhancing existing ones. Today, CADP benefits from a worldwide user
both in academia and industry. This talk presents the latest release CADP
which is the result of a considerable development effort spanning the last
years. The talk first describes the theoretical principles and the modular
architecture of CADP, which has inspired several other recent model
The paper then reviews the main features of CADP 2010, including compilers
various formal specification languages, equivalence checkers, model
performance evaluation tools, and parallel verification tools running on
clusters and grids.

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