Seminar details

Amphi F018, UFR IMA

29 January 2010 - 14h00
Methods and tools for Computer Aided Design of Embedded Systems (HDR)
by Dang Thao from VERIMAG

Abstract: Due to an increasing use of computers, there has been a dramatic rise in interest in embedded systems, that is systems in which the computer interacts with the physical world. The main objective of my research has been to develop new analysis methods and tools, with a focus on semi-formal approaches (such as testing) and by exploring new application areas (such as, analog and mixed-signal circuits and biological systems). In particular, my research follows a model-based approach which allows the engineer to perform validation during the design. As a formal model, hybrid systems are used. These systems have been recognized as a high-level model appropriate for embedded systems, since they can describe, within a unified framework, the logical part and the continuous part of an embedded system.
In this presentation, I will describe a selection of main results which describe best my visions and efforts. In the first part, I will present an analysis technique for general non-linear hybrid systems using hybridization and a number of analysis techniques specialized for polynomial systems. In the second part, I will describe a hybrid systems conformance testing framework including a coverage-guided test generation algorithm and a test generation tool. The final part of the presentation is devoted to a new approach for scheduling of real-time multi-threaded programs.

Le jury sera composé de :
Eugene Asarin, Université Paris 7
Albert Benveniste, IRISA
Eric Goubault, CEA et École polytechnique
Bruce Krogh, Carnegie Mellon University

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