Seminar details


16 May 2024 - 14h00
Modeling, analysis, and supervisory control of networked discrete event systems
by Gaiyun Liu from GREAH

Abstract: This talk centers around the modeling, analysis, and supervisory control of networked discrete event systems (DESs). The first part of the talk provides a succinct introduction to Petri nets. We will illustrate the application of Petri nets in the modeling and analysis of DESs, using an automated manufacturing system as a demonstrative example. Also, we will show the process of designing supervisors for DESs using Petri net structural/reachability analysis techniques. Dr. Liu's relevant achievements in Petri net structure theory and supervisory control based on time constraints will also be emphasized in this part. The second part introduces the robust/adaptive supervisory control of DESs. In case of failures, the existing control policies are always no longer in force and failure-derived deadlocks in the disturbed system may be caused. We have developed relevant theories of Petri nets and designed robust/adaptive supervisory controllers so that the system can run without deadlock regardless of failures. The third part concerns security analysis and resilient control of networked DESs. The existence of various types of network attacks makes the supervisory control design of networked DES a great challenge. Attacks may drive the originally well-controlled DES to an unsafe/illegal state covertly. We have done analysis of effectiveness and stealthiness of sensor attacks in labeled Petri nets. Also, we have designed resilient supervisors for labeled Petri nets under sensor attacks. The report summarizes the research results achieved by Dr. Liu in recent years, and also looks forward to the future development direction of this field (planned with VERIMAG).

Candidate au poste PR Verimag / Polytech

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