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Digital technologies for modeling the environment

All environmental studies are based on models of physical and human systems and the underlying couplings. Modeling and simulation using numerical tools can be approached not so much in terms of forecasting (as is the case for weather), but as a tool for understanding interactions and feedback effects. Our expertise in modeling and building models for various dynamical systems will be applied to the following points:

  • (1) definition of precise modeling languages and semantics, modeling components for open or closed systems, environment abstraction, Boolean or numerical models, discrete or continuous, model debugging ;
  • (2) "chaotic" problems due to the presence of components with abrupt discrete behavior, such as software components;
  • (3) Study of the meta-quality of models (modeling artifacts, robustness, time step problems, sensitivity to constants, ...) ;
  • (4) various methods for model exploration (enumerative, symbolic, concolic, ...)

We therefore envisage collaborations where our role will be to provide well-defined and understood modeling tools, as well as various methods to gain insights from models, beyond obtaining a small set of simulations.

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