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nltool::PointerSystem Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for nltool::PointerSystem:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 PointerSystem ()
 PointerSystem (int dim, Number(*f)(const int x, const stdVector &pt, void *data), Number(*df)(const int x, const stdVector &pt, const int dx, void *data), Number(*ddf)(const int x, const stdVector &pt, const int dx, const int dy, void *data), void *data, bool discretized=false)
virtual ~PointerSystem ()
Vector eval (const Vector &x)
Vector evalCurvature (const Vector &x, int dx, int dy)
Number getMaxCurvature (const unsigned i, const unsigned dx, const unsigned dy, const Box &domain)

Static Public Member Functions

static double CurvatureFunc (const std::vector< double > &x, std::vector< double > &grad, void *f_data)

Public Attributes

unsigned curvatureFunctionX
unsigned curvatureFunctionDx
unsigned curvatureFunctionDy
void * dataPtr

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Non-consistent constructor

nltool::PointerSystem::PointerSystem ( int  dim,
Number(*)(const int x, const stdVector &pt, void *data)  f,
Number(*)(const int x, const stdVector &pt, const int dx, void *data)  df,
Number(*)(const int x, const stdVector &pt, const int dx, const int dy, void *data)  ddf,
void *  data,
bool  discretized = false 

Creates a dynamical based on function pointer

dimthe system dimension
ffunction to evaluate the dynamics at a given point
dffunction derivated
ddffunction double derivated
discretizedis a discretized system?


Member Function Documentation

double nltool::PointerSystem::CurvatureFunc ( const std::vector< double > &  x,
std::vector< double > &  grad,
void *  f_data 
) [static]

Optimization function proxy for the NL opt library

xthe initial guess in input and the optimization solution in output
f_dataadditional information
Vector nltool::PointerSystem::eval ( const Vector &  x) [virtual]

Evaluation function

xthe state of the system

Reimplemented from nltool::DynamicalSystem.

Vector nltool::PointerSystem::evalCurvature ( const Vector &  x,
int  dx,
int  dy 

Return the result of the double derivative of the system

xa point in the state space
dxfirst derivative variable indice in [0, dimension[
dysecond derivative variable indice in [0, dimension[
Number nltool::PointerSystem::getMaxCurvature ( const unsigned  i,
const unsigned  dx,
const unsigned  dy,
const Box domain 

Compute the partial double derivative of the system

iindice for the system row
dxfirst derivative variable indice in [0, dimension[
dysecond derivative variable indice in [0, dimension[
domaindomain for the optimization

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