Jean-Louis Roch -- Research publications

Within the LIG laboratory and INRIA Grenoble Rhone-Alpes research center in Grenoble, France [ and previously  ID-IMAG (1999-2006) and LMC-IMAG (1986-1999)], my research has largely been in the interaction of parallel algorithms and their programming on parallel architectures (embedded systems, SMP, clusters and grid). In the framework of the MOAIS (CNRS-INRIA-INPG-UJF) project (2005-), I study adaptive parallel algorithms and their scheduling in the context of interactive applications. I work also on security and fault-tolerance for global computations (with Ludovic Jacquin). % Thomas Roche within the CryptAlpes group). I was previously member of APACHE Project (CNRS-INRIA-INPG-UJF) (1995-2004).

The research thema that my students and I have been involved in are:


I have contributed to the following softwares:

Talks / slides

Publications ranked by dates

Last update: Fri Sep 24 16:10:25 CET 2010

[132] Tchiboukdjian, Marc and Gast, Nicolas and Trystram, Denis and Roch, Jean-Louis and Bernard, Julien A Tighter Analysis of Work Stealing . In ISAAC 2010: Proceedings of The 21st International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation . Jeju Island, Korea. Dec 2010. [ bib | http | local pdf ]
[131] Khonji, Majid and Pernet, Clément and Roch, Jean-Louis and Roche, Thomas and Stalinski, Thomas Output-sensitive decoding for redundant residue systems . In < ISSAC 2010: Proceedings of the 2010 International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation . Jul 2010. [ bib | http | local pdf ]
[130] Jacquin, Ludovic and Roca, Vincent and Roch, Jean-Louis and Al Ali, Mohamed Parallel arithmetic encryption for high-bandwidth communications on multicore/GPGPU platforms . In PASCO '10: Proceedings of the 4th ACM International Workshop on Parallel and Symbolic Computation . Grenoble, France. July 2010. ACM. [ bib | http | local pdf ]
[129] Jean-Guillaume Dumas and Thierry Gautier and Jean-Louis Roch. Generic design of Chinese remaindering schemes . In PASCO '10: Proceedings of the 4th ACM International Workshop on Parallel and Symbolic Computation . Grenoble, France. July 2010. ACM. [ bib | http | local pdf ]
[128] Marc Moreno Maza and Jean-Louis Roch editors. PASCO '10: Proceedings of the 4th ACM International Workshop on Parallel and Symbolic Computation . Grenoble, France. July 2010. ACM. [ bib | http | local pdf ]
[127] Quentin Meunier and Frédéric Pétrot and Jean-Louis Roch Hardware/software support for adaptive work-stealing in on-chip multiprocessor . In Journal of Systems Architecture Volume 56, Issue 8, August 2010, Pages 392-406. Elsevier North-Holland, Inc. [ bib | http | local pdf ]
[126] Thomas Roche and Jean-Louis Roch and Matthieu Cunche , Algorithm-based fault tolerance applied to P2P computing networks. . In IEEE First International Conference on Advances in P2P Systems. Sliema, Malta, Oct 2009, [ bib | http | local pdf ]
[125] Thomas Roche and Roland Gillard and Jean-Louis Roch Provable Security against Impossible Differential Cryptanalysis. Application to CS-Cipher. . In Modelling, Computation and Optimization in Information Systems and Management Sciences (MCO'08) Metz, France, Sept 2008 [ bib | http | local pdf ]
[124] Sebastien Varrette and Jean-Louis Roch and Guillaume Duc and Ronan Keryell Building Secure Resources to Ensure Safe Computations in Distributed and Potentially Corrupted Environments . In Euro-Par 2008, Workshop on Secure, Trusted, Manageable and Controllable Grid Services ( SGS'08) Las Palmas, Spain, 26-29 aug 2008 [ bib | http | pdf ]
[123] Daouda Traore, Jean-Louis Roch, Nicolas Maillard, Thierry Gautier and Julien Bernard. Deque-free work-optimal parallel STL algorithms. . In Euro-Par'2008 conference, Las Palmas, Spain, 26-29 aug 2008 [ bib | http | .pdf ]
[122] Julien Bernard, Jean-Louis Roch and Daouda Traore. Processor-oblivious parallel stream computations. In 16th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and network-based Processing, Toulouse, France, 13-15 feb 2008 [ bib | http | .pdf ]
[121] Daouda Traore, Jean-Louis Roch and Christophe Cerin. Algorithmes adaptatifs de tri parallèle . In RenPar 18, Fribourg, Suisse, 11-13 feb 2008 [ bib | http | .pdf ]
[120] Vincent Danjean, Roland Gillard, Serge Guelton, Jean-Louis Roch and Thomas Roche Adaptive Loops with Kaapi on Multicore and Grid: Applications in Symmetric Cryptography . In Parallel Symbolic Computation'07 (PASCO'07), ACM publishing, London, Ontario, Canada, July 2007
[ ACM | bib | .pdf ]
[119] Jean-Louis Roch and Sébastien Varrette Probabilistic Certification of Divide & Conquer Algorithms on Global Computing Platforms. Application to Fault-Tolerant Exact Matrix-Vector Product . In Parallel Symbolic Computation'07 (PASCO'07), ACM publishing, London, Ontario, Canada, July 2007
[ ACM | bib | .pdf ]
[118] Luciano Soares, Clément Menier, Bruno Raffin, and Jean-Louis Roch. Work Stealing for Time-constrained Octree Exploration: Application to Real-time 3D Modeling. EGPGV'07 Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization Lugano, Switzerland, May 2007
[ EG Digital Library | bib | .pdf ]
[117] Thierry Gautier, Jean-Louis Roch, and Fréréric Wagner Fine Grain Distributed Implementation of a Dataflow Language with Provable Performances. In ICCS 2007 / PAPP 2007 4th Int. Workshop on Practical Aspects of High-Level Parallel Programming , Springer Verlag LNCS 4488, Beijing, China, May 2007
[ LNCS | bib | .pdf ]
[116] Luciano Soares, Clément Menier, Bruno Raffin, and Jean-Louis Roch. Parallel adaptive octree carving for real-time 3d modeling. Poster at IEEE VR'2007 - Virtual Reality Charlotte, Northe Carolina, USA, March 2007
[ IEEE | bib | .pdf ]
[115] Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Jean-Louis Roch, Eric Tannier, and Sébastien Varrette. Théorie des Codes - Compression Cryptage Correction. Dunod Sciences-Sup, Paris, France, February 2007.
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[114] Jean-Louis Roch and Daouda Traore. Un algorithme adaptatif optimal pour le calcul parallèle des préfixes. In INRIA, editor, CARI'2006, Cotonou, Benin, November 2006.
[ CARI | bib | http | .pdf ]
[113] Guillaume Dunoyer, Thierry Gautier, Grégory Mounie, and Jean-Louis Roch. Parallélisation d'un moteur d'inférence bayesienne pour une machine smp avec kaapi. In Proceedings des 17èmes rencontres francophones du parallélisme (RenPar'17), Perpignan, France, October 2006.
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[112] Jean-Louis Roch, Daouda Traore, and Julien Bernard. On-line adaptive parallel prefix computation. In LNCS 4128 ( Springer-Verlag, editor, EUROPAR'2006, pages 843-850, Dresden, Germany, August 2006.
[ LNCS | bib | http | .pdf ]
[111] Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Clément Pernet, and Jean-Louis Roch. Adaptive triangular system solving. In W. Decker, M. Dewar, E. Kaltofen, and S. Watt, editors, Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings - Challenges in Symbolic Computation Software, Dagstuhl, Germany, July 2006.
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[110] Sébastien Varrette, Jean-Louis Roch, Johan Montagnat, Ludwig Seitz, Jean-Marc Pierson, and Franck Leprévost. Safe distributed architecture for image-based computer assisted diagnosis. In IEEE, editor, ICPS'06, IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Services, workshop on Health Pervasive Systems, Lyon, France, June 2006.
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[109] Christophe Cerin, Jean-Christophe Dubacq, and Jean-Louis Roch. Methods for partitioning data and to improve parallel execution time for sorting on heterogeneous clusters. In LNCS 3947 Springer-Verlag, editor, International conference on Grid and Pervasive Computing, IGC'2006, pages 175-186, Tunghia, Taiwa, May 2006.
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[108] Julien Bernard, Jean-Louis Roch, Paoli Serge de and Miguel Santana. Adaptive encoding of multimedia streams on mpsoc. In LNCS 3994 Springer-Verlag, editor, ICCS'06 International Conference on Computational Science (4), workshop Real-Time Systems and Adaptive Applications, pages 999-1006, Reading, UK, May 2006.
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[107] Van Dat Cung Cung, Vincent Danjean, Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Thierry Gautier, Guillaume Huard, Bruno Raffin, Christophe Rapine, Jean-Louis Roch, and Denis Trystram. Adaptive and hybrid algorithms: classification and illustration on triangular system solving. In JG Dumas, editor, Transgressive Computing TC'2006, pages 131-148, Granada, Spain, April 2006.
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[106] Samir Jafar, Laurent Pigeon, Thierry Gautier, and Jean-Louis Roch. Self-adaptation of parallel applications in heterogeneous and dynamic architectures. In IEEE, editor, ICTTA'06 IEEE Conference on Information and Communication Technologies: from Theory to Applications, pages 3347-3352, Damascus, Syria, April 2006.
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[105] Xavier Besseron, Samir Jafar, Thierry Gautier, and Jean-Louis Roch. Cck: An improved coordinated checkpoint/rollback protocol for dataflow applications in kaapi. In IEEE, editor, ICTTA'06 IEEE Conference on Information and Communication Technologies: from Theory to Applications, pages 3353-3358, Damascus, Syria, April 2006.
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[104] Van-Dat Cung, Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Thierry Gautier, Guillaume Huard, Bruno Raffin, Christophe Rapine, and Jean-Louis Roch Denis Trystram. Adaptive algorithms: theory and application. In SIAM PP'06, editor, SIAM Parallel Processing 2006, Mini-Symposium MS1: Adaptive algorithms for scientific computing, pages 49-50, San Francisco, USA, February 2006.
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[103] Pascal Bouvry, Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Roland Gillard, Jean-Louis Roch, and Sébastien Varrette. Chapitre 2 - cryptographie à clef secréte. In T. Ebrahimi, F. Leprevost, and B. Warusfeld, editors, La sécurité Multimédia, pages 23-99. Hermes Science, January 2006.
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[102] Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Franck Leprevost, Jean-Louis Roch, Valentin Savin, and Sébastien Varrette. Chapitre 4 - cryptographie à clef publique. In T. Ebrahimi, F. Leprevost, and B. Warusfeld, editors, La sécurité Multimédia, pages 103-182. Hermes Science, January 2006.
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[101] Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Franck Leprevost, Jean-Louis Roch, and Sébastien Varrette. Chapitre 5 - architectures pki. In T. Ebrahimi, F. Leprevost, and B. Warusfeld, editors, La sécurité Multimédia, pages 187-208. to appear in Hermes, January 2006.
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[100] Sébastien Varrette, Sébastien Georget, Johan Montagnat, Jean-Louis Roch, and Franck Leprevost. Distributed authentication in grid5000. In LNCS Springer Verlag, editor, Grid Computing and its Application to Data Analysis (GADA'05), LNCS, Agia Napa, Cyprus, November 2005. Springer Verlag.
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[99] Samir Jafar, Thierry Gautier, Axel W. Krings, and Jean-Louis Roch. A checkpoint/recovery model for heterogeneous dataflow computations using work-stealing. In LNCS Springer-Verlag, editor, EUROPAR'2005, Lisboa, Portogal, August 2005.
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[98] Samir Jafar, Axel W. Krings, Thierry Gautier, and Jean-Louis Roch. Theft-induced checkpointing for reconfigurable dataflow applications. In IEEE, editor, IEEE Electro/Information Technology Conference , (EIT 2005), Lincoln, Nebraska, May 2005. This paper received the EIT'05 Best Paper Award.
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[97] Axel W. Krings, Jean-Louis Roch, and Samir Jafar. Certification of large distributed computations with task dependencies in hostile environments. In IEEE, editor, IEEE Electro/Information Technology Conference , (EIT 2005), Lincoln, Nebraska, May 2005.
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[96] Jafar Samir, Gautier Thierry, and Roch Jean-Louis. Modèle de coût algorithmique intégrant des mécanismes de tolérance aux pannes et expérimentations. In Proceedings des 16emes rencontres francophones du parallélisme (RenPar'16), pages 125-136, Le Croisic, France, April 2005.
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[95] Sébstien Varrette, Sébastien Georget, Jean-Louis Roch, and Franck Leprevost. Authentification distribuée sur grille de grappes basée sur ldap. In Proceedings des 16èmes rencontres francophones du parallélisme (RenPar'16), Le Croisic, France, April 2005. ASF - Ecole des Mines de Nantes.
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[94] Axel W. Krings, Jean-Louis Roch, Samir Jafar, and Sebastien Varrette. A probabilistic approach for task and result certification of large-scale distributed applications in hostile environments. In LNCS Springer-Verlag, editor, European Grid Conference EGC'2005, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, February 2005.
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[93] El-Mostafa Daoudi, Thierry Gautier, Aicha Kerfali, Rémi Revire, and Jean-Louis Roch. Algorithmes parallèles à grain adaptatif et applications. Technique et Science Informatiques, 24(5):504-525, 2005.
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[92] Sébastien Varrette, Jean-Louis Roch, and Franck Leprévost. Flowcert: Probabilistic certification for peer-to-peer computations. In IEEE, editor, 16th Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing, IEEE SBAC-PAD 2004, pages 108-115, Foz do Iguacu, Brazil, October 2004.
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[91] Sébastien Varrette, Jean-Louis Roch, Yves Denneulin, and Franck Leprévost. Secure architectures for clusters and grids. In IEEE, editor, CRIS 2004, Grenoble, France, October 2004.
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[90] O. Beaumont, E.M. Daoudi, N. Maillard, P. Manneback, and J.-L. Roch. Tradeoff to minimize extra-computations and stopping criterion tests for parallel iterative schemes. In 3rd International Workshop on Parallel Matrix Algorithms and Applications (PMAA04), CIRM, Marseille, France, October 2004.
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[89] Samir Jafar, Varrette Sébastien, and Jean-Louis Roch. Using data-flow analysis for resilience and result checking in peer-to-peer computations. In IEEE DEXA'2004 - Workshop GLOBE'04: pages = 512-516, Grid and Peer-to-Peer Computing Impacts on Large Scale Heterogeneous Distributed Database Systems, Zaragoza, Spain, August 2004.
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[88] Samir Jafar and Jean-Louis Roch. Fault-tolerance for macro dataflow parallel computations on grid. In ICCTA'04 IEEE Conference on Information&Communication Technologies: from Theory to Applications, Damascus, Syria, April 2004.
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[87] Denis Naddef, Jean-Louis Roch, and Denis Trystram. Parallélisme, calcul formel et résolution de problèmes complexes. In EJCACF'2004 Ecole Jeunes Chercheurs en Algorithmique et Calcul Formel, Grenoble, France, March 2004.
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[86] Aicha Kerfali, Jean-Louis Roch, and El Mostafa Daoudi. Algorithmes parallèles à grain adaptatif - Application à la parallélisation de gzip. In RENPAR'15, pages 18-26, Nice, France, October 2003.
[ bib | http | .ps.gz | .pdf ]
[85] Sébastien Varrette and Jean-Louis Roch. Certification logicielle de calcul global avec dépendances sur grille. In RENPAR'15, pages 169-176, Nice, France, October 2003.
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[84] Said El Hajji, Aziz Hilali, and Jean-Louis Roch. Actes de la conférence ``Cryptologie et Applications''. Université Mohamed II, Rabbat, Maroc, September 2003.
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[83] Nicolas Thierry-Mieg, Laurent Trilling, and Jean-Louis Roch. A novel pooling design for protein-protein interaction mapping. In ECCB'2003 European Conference on Computational Biology, Paris, France, September 2003.
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[82] J.-L. Roch, T. Gautier, and R. Revire. Athapascan: Api for asynchronous parallel programming. Technical Report RT-0276, INRIA Rhône-Alpes, projet APACHE, February 2003.
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[81] Thierry Gautier, Hoon Hong, Jean-Louis Roch, and Wolfgang Schreiner. Parallel computer algebra systems, chap. 2 - section 2.16. In J. Grabmeier, E. Kaltofen, and V. Weispfennig, editors, Computer Algebra Handbook : Foundations, Applications, Systems, pages 146-150. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, 2003.
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[80] Nicolas Maillard, El Mostafa Daoudi, Pierre Manneback, and Jean-Louis Roch. Contrôle amorti des synchronisations pour le test d'arrêt des méthodes itératives. In RENPAR'14, pages 177-182, Hammmamet, Tunisie, April 2002.
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[79] Jean-Guillaume Dumas and Jean-Louis Roch. On parallel block algorithms for exact triangularization. . Parallel Computing, 28:1531-1548, 2002.
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[78] Pierre Berlioux and Jean-Louis Roch. Algoritmique 2 : Heuristiques; algorithmes d'approximation, probabilistes et paralléles; complexitè, 2002. Polycopié ENSIMAG 2A, site du cours
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[77] Jean-Guillaume Dumas and Jean-Louis Roch. A parallel block algorithm for exact triangularization of rectangular matrices. . In 13th ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA'01), Heraklion, Crête, July 2001.
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[76] Jean-Louis Roch. Ordonnancement de programmes parallèles sur grappes : théorie versus pratique. In Actes du Congrès International ALA 2001, Université Mohamm V, pages 131-144, Rabat, Maroc, May 2001.
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[75] Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Jean-Louis Roch, Eric Tannier, and Sébastien Varrette. Théorie des codes, 2001. Polycopié ENSIMAG 2A, site du cours
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[74] Bertrand Le Cun, Sanjay Rajopadhye, Jean-Louis Roch, and Catherine Roucairol. Tutorial Algorithmique Parallèle. In Actes de l'Ecole iHPerf 2000 du GDR ARP, Aussois, France, December 2000. slides available at
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[73] Jean-Louis Roch. Memory in parallel data-flow languages: CC-UMA versus NORMA implementations. In HPCA Conference - Workshop on ``Parallel Computing for Irregular Applications WPCIA2'', Toulouse, France, January 2000. slides available at
[ bib | www: ]
[72] Pierre Berlioux, Marie-Paule Cani, Augustin Lux, Roger Mohr, Denis Naddef, and Jean-Louis Roch. Algoritmique 1 : structures de données, parcours de graphes, programmation récursive, 2000. Polycopié ENSIMAG 2A, site du cours
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[71] Jean-Louis Roch and Jean-Claude Konig. Régulation de Charge . In Actes de l'Ecole d'Automne sur l'Informatique Parallèle et Distribuée, PARDI'99, pages 96-121, Oujda, Maroc, October 1999. slides available at
[ bib | http | .ps.gz | .pdf ]
[70] Gerson Cavalheiro, Matthias Doreille, François Galilée, Thierry Gautier, and Jean-Louis Roch. Scheduling parallel programs on non-uniform memory architectures. In HPCA Conference - Workshop on ``Parallel Computing for Irregular Applications PCIA'1'', Orlando, USA, January 1999.
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[69] François Galilée, Jean-Louis Roch, Gerson Cavalheiro, and Matthias Doreille. Athapascan-1: On-line Building Data Flow Graph in a Parallel Language. In IEEE, editor, International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques, PACT'98, pages 88-95, Paris, France, October 1998.
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[68] Gerson Cavalheiro, Yves Denneulin, and Jean-Louis Roch. A general modular specification for distributed schedulers. In LNCS 980 Springer Verlag, editor, Proceedings of Europar'98, Southampton, England, September 1998.
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[67] Jean-Louis Roch, Thierry Gautier, Jean-Guillaume Dumas, and Gilles Villard. Data-flow multithreaded parallelism in computer algebra algorithms. In 4th International IMACS Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra, ACA'98, Prague, Czech Republic, August 1998.
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[66] Gerson Cavalheiro, François Galilée, and Jean-Louis Roch. Athapascan-1: Parallel Programming with Asynchronous Tasks. In Proceedings of the Yale Multithreaded Programming Workshop, Yale, USA, June 1998.
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[65] Gerson Cavalheiro and Jean-Louis Roch. Un schéma modulaire pour l'écriture des ordonnanceurs. In RenPar'10, Strasbourg, June 1998.
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[64] Gerson Cavalheiro, Mathias Doreille, François Galilée, and Jean-Louis Roch. The parallel C++ library Athapascan-1 : a multithreaded execution based model based on dataflow. . available at[ps.gz pdf], 1998.
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[63] Dominique Barth, Jacques Chassin de Kergommeaux, Jean-Louis Roch, and Jean Roman, editors. Conception et mise en oeuvre d'applications parallèles irrégulières de grande taille , Auusois, France, December 1997. CNRS.
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[62] Jean-Claude Konig and Jean-Louis Roch. Machines virtuelles et techniques d'ordonnancement. In Proceedings école d'hiver de PRS ICARE'97, Auusois, France, December 1997.
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[61] François Galilée and Jean-Louis Roch. Langages pour l'expression dynamique de parallélisme et graphes de tâches . In Proceedings école d'hiver de PRS ICARE'97, Auusois, France, December 1997.
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[60] Thierry Gautier and Jean-Louis Roch. NC2 computation of a gcd-free basis and application to parallel algebraic number computations. In Erich Kaltofen, editor, Parallel Symbolic Computation (PASCO'97), July 1997.
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[59] Jean-Louis Roch and Gilles Villard. Parallel computer algebra (tutorial). In ISSAC '97: Proceedings of the 1997 international symposium on Symbolic and algebraic computation, New York, NY, USA, July 1997. ACM Press.
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[58] Mathias Doreille, François Galilée, and Jean-Louis Roch. Construction dynamique du graphe de flot de données en Athapascan. In RenPar'9, Lausanne, Suisse, May 1997.
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[57] Nicolas Maillard, Jean-Louis Roch, and Pierre Valiron. Parallélisation de l'algorithme de chimie quantique ab-initio MP2. In RenPar'9, Lausanne, Suisse, May 1997.
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[56] François Siewe, Maurice Tchuente, and Jean-Louis Roch. Sémantique dénotationnelle pour langages PRAM. In RenPar'9, Lausanne, Suisse, May 1997.
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[55] Bogdan Dumitrescu, Mathias Doreille, Jean-Louis Roch, and Denis Trystram. Two-dimensional block partitionings for the parallel cholesky factorization: the fan-in method. Technical Report RR-3156, INRIA Rhône-Alpes, April 1997.
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[54] Bogdan Dumitrescu, Mathias Doreille, Jean-Louis Roch, and Denis Trystram. Two-dimensional block partitionings for the parallel sparse cholesky factorization. Numerical Algorithms, 16:17-38, 1997.
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[53] Jean-Louis Roch and Dominique Michelucci. Chapitre 6, atihmétiques exactes. In Marc Daumas and Jean-Michel Muller, editors, Qualité des calculs sur ordinateur. Masson, 1997.
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[52] Bogdan Dumitrescu, Mathias Doreille, Jean-Louis Roch, and Denis Trystram. Influence of scheduling on actual high-performance computing applications. In Proceedings of PPAM'97 - 2nd International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, 1997.
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[51] Bogdan Dumitrescu, Mathias Doreille, Jean-Louis Roch, and Denis Trystram. Two-dimensional block partitionings for the parallel cholesky factorization. In 2ième séminaire sur les techniques nouvelles de traitement de matrices creuses pour les problèmes industriels, Lille, 1997.
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[50] Jean-Louis Roch. Parallel efficient algorithms and their programming, 1997. available at
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[49] Mathias Doreille, Gerson Cavalheiro, and Jean-Louis Roch. Athapascan-1: a C++ library for parallel programming. In ONERA, editor, European parallel tools meeting, October 1996.
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[48] Thierry Gautier and Jean-Louis Roch. Irregular algorithms and on-line scheduling. In INRIA, editor, Proc. of Stratagem'96, Symposium on parallel computing for solving large scale and irregular applications, pages 17-37, July 1996.
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[47] Jean-Louis Roch. Algorithmes irréguliers et ordonnancement en-ligne. . In Tutoriel de RenPar'8, Bordeaux, France., May 1996.
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[46] Mathias Doreille, Gerson Cavalheiro, and Jean-Louis Roch. Régulation dynamique en Athapascan : exemple d'un tri parall ele probabiliste optimal. In RenPar'8, page 181, Bordeaux, France., May 1996.
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[45] Jacques Briat, Thierry Gautier, and Jean-Louis Roch. On-line scheduling. In Proc. of ESPPE'96, Parallel Programming Environments for High Performance Computing, pages 95-108, April 1996.
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[44] Nathalie Revol and Jean-Louis Roch. Parallel evaluation of arithmetic circuits. Theoretical Computer Science, 162:133-150, 1996.
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[43] Jean-Louis Roch and Gilles Villard. Fast parallel computation of the Jordan normal form of matrices. Parallel Processing Letters, 6(2):203-212, 1996.
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[42] Jacques Briat, Thierry Gautier, and Jean-Louis Roch. Application irrégulière et ordonnancement en ligne. In Guy Bernard, Jacques Chassin de Kergommeaux, Bertil Folliot, and Catherine Roucairol, editors, Placement dynamique et répartition de charge: application aux systèmes répartis et parallèles, pages 81-106. Collection didactique INRIA, 1996.
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[41] Mathias Doreille, François Galilée, and Jean-Louis Roch. La bibliothèque C++ Athapascan-1 . available at, 1996.
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[40] Thierry Gautier, Nathalie Revol, Jean-Louis Roch, and Gilles Villard. Calcul algébrique et formel, 1996. available at
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[39] Thierry Gautier, Jean-Louis Roch, and Gilles Villard. Regular versus irregular problems and algorithms. In Proc. of IRREGULAR'95, Lyon, France, pages 1-26. Springer-Verlag, September 1995.
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[38] Thierry Gautier, Frédéric Guinand, Jean-Louis Roch, and Alexandre Vermeerbergen. Régulation de charge et adaptation de grain : Athapascan. In Bertil Folliot, editor, JRPRC, Journées de Recherche sur le Placement Dynamique et la Régulation de Charge. GDR-PRS, May 1995.
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[37] Gérard Authié, Jean-Marie Garcia, Afonso Ferreira, Jean-Louis Roch, Gilles Villard, Jean Roman, Catherine Roucairol, and Bernard Virot. Parallèlisme et applications irrégulières. Hermès, 1995.
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[36] Jean-Louis Roch and Gilles Villard. Algorithmique PRAM II : Algorithmes de travail optimal et probabilistes. In Gérard Authié and al., editors, Parallèlisme et applications irrégulières, chapter 1, pages 3-26. Hermès, 1995.
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[35] Jean-Louis Roch, Gilles Villard, and Catherine Roucairol. Algorithmes irréguliers et ordonnacement. In Gérard Authié and al., editors, Parallèlisme et applications irrégulières, chapter 4, pages 71-84. Hermès, 1995.
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[34] Yves Denneulin, Jean-Marc Geib, Christophe Gransart, Frédéric Hémery, Jean-François Méhaut, Jean-François Roos, El-Ghazali Talbi, Thierry Gautier, Jean-Louis Roch, and Alexandre Vermeerbergen. SDI et Régulation de Charge . In Gérard Authié and al., editors, Parallèlisme et applications irrégulières, chapter 9, pages 203-231. Hermès, 1995.
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[33] Jean-Louis Roch. Complexité parallèle, 1995. available at
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[32] Brigitte Plateau and et al. Présentation d'APACHE. Rapport APACHE 1, IMAG, Grenoble, October 1994.
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[31] Thierry Gautier and Jean-Louis Roch. PAC++ System and Parallel Algebraic Numbers Computation. In Hoon Hong, editor, First International Symposium on Parallel Symbolic Computation (PASCO'94), volume 5 of Lecture Notes Series in Computing, page 145, Hagenberg/Linz, Austria, September 1994.
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[30] Jean-Louis Roch, Alexandre Vermeerbergen, and Gilles Villard. A new load-prediction scheme based on algorithmic cost functions. In Springer-Verlag, editor, Proc. of CONPAR 94-VAPP VI, LNCS 854, pages 878-889, September 1994.
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[29] Jean-Louis Roch and Gilles Villard. Parallel computations with algebraic numbers, a case study: Jordan normal form of matrices. In Parallel Architectures and Languages Europe 94, Athens Greece, LNCS 817, pages 701-712, July 1994.
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[28] Jacques Briat, Michel Christaller, and Jean-Louis Roch. Une maquette pour athapascan-0. In Actes de RenPar'6, ENS Lyon, France, pages 231-234, June 1994.
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[27] Bogdan Dumitrescu, Jean-Louis Roch, and Denis Trystram. Fast matrix multiplications algorithms on mimd architectures. Parallel Algorithms and Applications, 4(2), 1994.
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[26] Gérard Authié, Afonso Ferreira, Jean-Louis Roch, Gilles Villard, Jean Roman, Catherine Roucairol, and Bernard Virot. Algorithmes Parallèles : Analyse et Conception. Hermès, 1994.
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[25] Jean-Louis Roch. Complexité parallèle et algorithmique pram. In Gérard Authié, Afonso Ferreira, Jean-Louis Roch, Gilles Villard, Jean Roman, Catherine Roucairol, and Bernard Virot, editors, Algorithmes Parallèles : Analyse et Conception, chapter 5, pages 105-126. Hermès, 1994.
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[24] Nathalie Revol and Jean-Louis Roch. Automatic parallelization of numerical computations in fields and lattices. In 3rd Int. Conf on Numerical Methods and Applications, O(h3), Bulgaria, 1994.
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[23] Jean-Louis Roch and Gilles Villard. Calcul formel et parallélisme : étude de la forme normale de Jordan. Technical Report APACHE 7 (In english), IMAG Grenoble France, 1994.
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[22] Thierry Gautier, Jean-Louis Roch, Alexandre Vermeerbergen, and Gilles Villard. PAC++ v2.0 User and developer manual. Preprint IMAG Grenoble France, 1994.
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[21] Jean-Louis Roch and Denis Trystram. Méthodologies pour la programmation efficace d'applications parallèles. La lettre des calculateurs distribués - numéro spécial Actes de l'Ecole SPI Lyon juillet 94, 1994.
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[20] Brigitte Plateau, Anne Rasse, Jean-Louis Roch, and Jean-Pierre Verjus. Parallélisme, 1994. available at
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[19] Jacques Briat, Jacques Chassin de Kergommeaux, Brigitte Plateau, Jean-Louis Roch, Denis Trystram, Gilles Villard, and Jean-Marc Vincent. APACHE : Algorithmique Parallèle et pArtage de CHargE. In Actes des 5iemes Rencontres sur le Parallélisme - RenPar5, Brest, May 1993.
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[18] Yves Arrouye, Jao-Paulo Kitajima, Joëlle Prévost, Jean-Louis Roch, Cécile Tron, and Gilles Villard. Manuel du Méganode. RT 98, Laboratoire de Modélisation et Calcul, Grenoble, France, March 1993.
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[17] Jacques Briat, Jacques Chassin de Kergommeaux, Michel Christaller, Michel Rivière, and Jean-Louis Roch. Définition de Athapascan-0. Rapport apache, Projet APACHE, Grenoble, France, 1993.
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[16] Jean-Louis Roch, Alexandre Vermeerbergen, and Gilles Villard. Cost prediction for Load Balancing. In Proceedings of CONPAR'92, volume 634 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Lyon, September 1992. Springer.
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[15] Jean-Louis Roch and Gilles Villard. Parallel gcd and lattice basis reduction. In Proceedings of CONPAR'92, volume 634 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Lyon, September 1992. Springer.
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[14] Jean-Louis Roch and Denis Trystram. Parallel winograd multiplication. In W. Joosen and E. Milgrom, editors, EWPC'92, Parallel Computing: from theory to sound practice, pages 578-581, Barcelona, 1992. IOS Press.
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[13] Jean-Louis Roch and Gilles Villard. PAC : Calcul Formel et Parallélisme. Recherches en cours et perspectives. RR 876 M, IMAG, Grenoble, France, 1992.
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[12] Jean-Louis Roch. The PAC system and its implementation on distributed architectures. In J.C. Grossetie D. Gassiloud, editor, Computing with Parallel Architectures: T. Node, pages 111-122. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1991.
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[11] Jean-Louis Roch. Calcul formel et parallélisme. Bulletin Liaison INRIA, 30, 1991.
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[10] Brigitte Plateau and Jean-Louis Roch. Projet Calcul Massivement Parallèle : CMaP. Bulletin Liaison INRIA, 134, 1991.
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[9] Jean-Louis Roch. Fast division of arbitrary size integers., July 1990. poster at International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, ISSAC'90.
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[8] Jean-Louis Roch. An environment for parallel algebraic computation. In R.E. Zippel, editor, Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Computer Algebra and Parallelism, pages 33-50, Ithaca, USA, May 1990. Springer-Verlag, L.N.C.S. 584.
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[7] Jean-Louis Roch. Division rapide d'entiers en précision infinie. CR 168, Note aux Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, France, November 1989.
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[6] Jean-Louis Roch, Pascale Sénéchaud, Françoise Siebert, and Gilles Villard. Computer Algebra on a MIMD Machine. SIGSAM Bulletin, 23(1):16-32, January 1989.
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[5] Jean-Louis Roch. Towards a computer algebra co-processor. In J. Della-Dora and J. Fitch, editors, Computer Algebra and Parallelism CAP 1, Grenoble, France, 1989. Academic Press, Inc.
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[4] Jean-Louis Roch. Calcul Formel et Parallélisme : l'Architecture du Système PAC et son Arithmétique Rationnelle. PhD thesis, Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble, France, 1989.
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[3] Jean-Louis Roch and Jean-Ronan Vigauroux. Lpac, langage pour l'algèbre et le calcul, 1989. Polycopié Projet de compilation.
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[2] Jean-Louis Roch, Pascale Sénéchaud, Françoise Roch-Siebert, and Gilles Villard. Computer algebra on mimd machine. In International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, ISSAC'88, volume 358 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 423-439. Springer, July 1988. This paper received Best Application Paper Award.
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[1] Jean-Louis Roch, Françoise Siebert, Pascale Sénéchaud, and Gilles Villard. Calcul formel, parallélisme et occam. In T. Muntean, editor, OPPT'87: 7th Colloque sur la Programmation Parallèle des Machines à Base de Transputers, Grenoble, France, 1987.
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