@ARTICLE{RSSV89, AUTHOR = {Roch, Jean-Louis and S\'en\'echaud, Pascale and Siebert, Fran\c{c}oise and Villard, Gilles }, JOURNAL = {SIGSAM Bulletin}, TITLE = {{Computer Algebra on a MIMD Machine}}, VOLUME = {23}, NUMBER = {1}, YEAR = {1989}, MONTH = {January}, ISSN = {0163-5824}, PAGES = {16--32}, DOI = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/66062.66065}, PUBLISHER = {ACM Press}, ADDRESS = {New York, NY, USA} }
@ARTICLE{prodmat, AUTHOR = {Dumitrescu, Bogdan and Roch, Jean-Louis and Trystram, Denis}, JOURNAL = {Parallel Algorithms and Applications}, TITLE = {Fast Matrix Multiplications Algorithms on MIMD Architectures}, NUMBER = {2}, VOLUME = {4}, YEAR = {1994}, URLPDF = {papers/93-prodmat.pdf} }
@ARTICLE{RT94, AUTHOR = {Roch, Jean-Louis and Trystram, Denis}, JOURNAL = {La lettre des calculateurs distribu\'es - num\'ero sp\'ecial Actes de l'Ecole SPI Lyon juillet 94}, TITLE = {M\'ethodologies pour la programmation efficace d'Applications Parall\`eles}, NUMBER = {}, VOLUME = {}, YEAR = {1994} }
@ARTICLE{RevolRoch96, AUTHOR = {Revol, Nathalie and Roch, Jean-Louis}, JOURNAL = {Theoretical Computer Science}, TITLE = {{Parallel evaluation of arithmetic circuits}}, YEAR = {1996}, VOLUME = {162}, PAGES = {133--150}, URLPDF = {papers/95-TCS.pdf}, URLPS = {papers/95-TCS.ps.gz}, URL = {http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/journals/tcs/tcs162.html} }
@ARTICLE{RoVi94-2, AUTHOR = {Roch, Jean-Louis and Villard, Gilles}, JOURNAL = {Parallel Processing Letters}, TITLE = {{Fast parallel computation of the Jordan normal form of matrices}}, YEAR = {1996}, VOLUME = {6}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {203--212}, URLPS = {papers/96-jordan-ppl.ps.gz}, URLPDF = {papers/96-jordan-ppl.pdf}, URL = {http://www.worldscinet.com/ppl/ppl.shtml} }
@ARTICLE{DDRT98, AUTHOR = {Dumitrescu, Bogdan and Doreille, Mathias and Roch, Jean-Louis and Trystram, Denis}, JOURNAL = {Numerical Algorithms}, TITLE = {Two-dimensional block partitionings for the parallel sparse Cholesky factorization}, VOLUME = {16}, YEAR = {1997}, PAGES = {17--38}, URLPS = {papers/97-bchol.ps.gz}, URLPDF = {papers/97-bchol.pdf} }
@ARTICLE{JGDJLR2002, AUTHOR = { Dumas, Jean-Guillaume and Roch, Jean-Louis}, TITLE = {{ On parallel block algorithms for exact triangularization. }}, JOURNAL = {Parallel Computing}, VOLUME = {28}, PAGES = {1531--1548}, YEAR = {2002}, URLPS = {papers/2002_PC_turbo.ps.gz}, URLPDF = {papers/2002_PC_turbo.pdf}, URL = {97} }
@ARTICLE{Grainadapt-TSI2005, AUTHOR = { Daoudi, El-Mostafa and Gautier, Thierry and Kerfali, Aicha and Revire, R{\'e}mi and Roch, Jean-Louis}, TITLE = {{Algorithmes parall{\`e}les {\`a} grain adaptatif et applications}}, JOURNAL = {Technique et Science Informatiques}, EDITOR = {Hermes}, VOLUME = {24}, PAGES = {1---20}, YEAR = {2005}, URL = {http://tsi.revuesonline.com/} }
@article{MPQ2010, author = {Meunier, Quentin and P\'{e}trot, Fr\'{e}d\'{e}ric and Roch, Jean-Louis}, title = {Hardware/software support for adaptive work-stealing in on-chip multiprocessor}, journal = {J. Syst. Archit.}, volume = {56}, number = {8}, year = {2010}, issn = {1383-7621}, pages = {392--406}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.sysarc.2010.06.007}, publisher = {Elsevier North-Holland, Inc.}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, abstract={During the past few years, embedded digital systems have been requested to provide a huge amount of processing power and functionality. A very likely foreseeable step to pursue this computational and flexibility trend is the generalization of on-chip multiprocessor platforms (MPSoC). In that context, choosing a programming model and providing optimized hardware support to it on these platforms is a challenging task. To deal in a portable way with MPSoCs having a different number of processors running possibly at different frequencies, work-stealing (WS) based parallelization is a current research trend. The contribution of this paper is to evaluate the impact of some simple MPSoCs¿ architecture characteristics on the performance of WS in the MPSoC context. The previous evaluations of WS, either theoretical or experimental, were done on fixed multicores architectures. This work extends these studies by exploring the use of WS for the codesign of embedded applications on MPSoC platforms with different hardware capabilities, thanks to cycle-accurate measures. We firstly study the architectural choices suited to WS algorithms and measure the benefit of these architectural modifications. To assert whether WS is suited to the MPSoC context, we experimentally measure its intrinsic implementation overhead on the most efficient architectural designs. Finally, we validate the performances of the approach on two real applications: a regular multimedia application (temporal noise reduction) and an irregular computation intensive application (frames of the Mandelbrot set). Our results show that enhancing MPSoC platforms having up to 16 processors with widespread hardware support mechanisms can lead to important performance improvements at acceptable hardware cost for the considered applications.}, pdf = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=MImg&_imagekey=B6V1F-50CVR7R-1-3C&_cdi=5673&_user=6068188&_pii=S1383762110000652&_origin=search&_coverDate=08%2F31%2F2010&_sk=999439991&view=c&wchp=dGLzVtb-zSkWA&md5=ff355642e72d345be8e9575f6d01ad4b&ie=/sdarticle.pdf}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6V1F-50CVR7R-1&_user=6068188&_coverDate=08%2F31%2F2010&_rdoc=1&_fmt=high&_orig=search&_origin=search&_sort=d&_docanchor=&view=c&_searchStrId=1460356795&_rerunOrigin=google&_acct=C000016487&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=6068188&md5=6226f2c9f5dff570e7d5da9393712252&searchtype=a}, x-proceedings = {yes}, x-international-audience = {yes}, x-editorial-board = {yes}, }
@BOOK{CAPA1, AUTHOR = {Authié, Gérard and Ferreira, Afonso and Roch, Jean-Louis and Villard, Gilles and Roman, Jean and Roucairol, Catherine and Virot, Bernard}, PUBLISHER = {Herm\`es}, TITLE = {Algorithmes Parall\`eles : Analyse et Conception}, URL = {http://www.editions-hermes.fr/fr/cdrom2005/pages/notices/2866014140}, YEAR = {1994} }
@BOOK{CAPA2, AUTHOR = {Authié, Gérard and Garcia, Jean-Marie and Ferreira, Afonso and Roch, Jean-Louis and Villard, Gilles and Roman, Jean and Roucairol, Catherine and Virot, Bernard}, PUBLISHER = {Herm\`es}, TITLE = {Parall\`elisme et applications irr\'eguli\`eres}, URL = {http://www.editions-hermes.fr/fr/cdrom2005/pages/notices/2866014980.html}, YEAR = {1995} }
@PROCEEDINGS{Icare97, EDITOR = {Barth, Dominique and Chassin de Kergommeaux, Jacques and Roch, Jean-Louis and Roman, Jean }, ADDRESS = {Auusois, France }, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings Ecole d'hiver de PRS ICARE'97}, MONTH = {December}, TITLE = {{ Conception et mise en oeuvre d'applications parall\`eles irr\'eguli\`eres de grande taille }}, ORGANIZATION = {CNRS}, YEAR = {1997}, URLPS = {papers/97-icare-book.pdf}, URLPDF = {papers/97-icare-book.ps.gz}, URL = {http://www-id.imag.fr/Archives/manifestations/icare97/} }
@BOOK{CryptoRabat2003, AUTHOR = {El Hajji, Said and Hilali, Aziz and Roch, Jean-Louis}, TITLE = {Actes de la conf\'erence ``Cryptologie et Applications''}, ADDRESS = {Rabbat, Maroc}, PUBLISHER = {Universit\'e Mohamed II }, URL = {http://www.cnr.ac.ma/}, MONTH = {September}, YEAR = {2003} }
@BOOK{2007-dunod-codes, AUTHOR = {Dumas, Jean-Guillaume and Roch, Jean-Louis and Tannier, Eric and Varrette, S\'ebastien}, TITLE = {Th\'eorie des Codes - Compression Cryptage Correction}, ADDRESS = {Paris, France}, PUBLISHER = {Dunod Sciences-Sup}, URL = {http://www.dunod.fr}, MONTH = {February}, YEAR = {2007} }
@proceedings{PASCO2010, editor = {Moreno Maza, Marc and Roch, Jean-Louis}, title = {PASCO '10: Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Parallel and Symbolic Computation}, MONTH = {Jul}, year = {2010}, isbn = {978-1-4503-0067-4}, location = {Grenoble, France}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, pdf = {http://portalparts.acm.org/1840000/1837210/fm/frontmatter.pdf}, url = {http://portal.acm.org/toc.cfm?id=1837210}, x-proceedings = {yes}, x-international-audience = {yes}, x-editorial-board = {yes}, }
@INCOLLECTION{RochCapa94, AUTHOR = {Roch, Jean-Louis}, EDITOR = {Authié, Gérard and Ferreira, Afonso and Roch, Jean-Louis and Villard, Gilles and Roman, Jean and Roucairol, Catherine and Virot, Bernard}, BOOKTITLE = {Algorithmes Parall\`eles : Analyse et Conception}, TITLE = {Complexit\'e Parall\`ele et algorithmique PRAM}, PUBLISHER = {Herm\`es}, PAGES = {105--126}, CHAPTER = {5}, YEAR = {1994}, URLPDF = {papers/93-CAPA-pram.pdf}, URLPS = {papers/93-CAPA-pram.ps.gz}, URL = {http://www.editions-hermes.fr/fr/cdrom2005/pages/notices/2866014140} }
@INCOLLECTION{RochCapa95, AUTHOR = {Roch, Jean-Louis and Villard, Gilles}, TITLE = {{Algorithmique PRAM II~: Algorithmes de travail optimal et probabilistes}}, BOOKTITLE = {Parall\`elisme et applications irr\'eguli\`eres}, CHAPTER = {1}, PAGES = {3-26}, PUBLISHER = {Herm\`es}, EDITOR = {Authié, Gérard and al.}, YEAR = {1995}, URL = {http://www.editions-hermes.fr/fr/cdrom2005/pages/notices/2866014980.html}, URLPDF = {papers/94-CAPA-pram2.pdf}, URLPS = {papers/94-CAPA-pram2.ps.gz} }
@INCOLLECTION{RVR95, AUTHOR = {Roch, Jean-Louis and Villard, Gilles and Roucairol, Catherine}, TITLE = {{Algorithmes irr\'eguliers et ordonnacement}}, BOOKTITLE = {Parall\`elisme et applications irr\'eguli\`eres}, PAGES = {71-84}, CHAPTER = {4}, PUBLISHER = {Herm\`es}, EDITOR = {Authié, Gérard and al.}, YEAR = {1995}, URL = {http://www.editions-hermes.fr/fr/cdrom2005/pages/notices/2866014980.html}, URLPDF = {papers/94-CAPA-irreg.pdf}, URLPS = {papers/94-CAPA-irreg.ps.gz} }
@INCOLLECTION{GeibEtAl95, AUTHOR = {Denneulin, Yves and Geib, Jean-Marc and Gransart, Christophe and Hémery, Frédéric and Méhaut, Jean-François and Roos, Jean-François and Talbi, El-Ghazali and Gautier, Thierry and Roch, Jean-Louis and Vermeerbergen, Alexandre}, TITLE = {{SDI et R\'egulation de Charge }}, BOOKTITLE = {Parall\`elisme et applications irr\'eguli\`eres}, CHAPTER = {9}, PAGES = {203-231}, PUBLISHER = {Herm\`es}, URL = {http://www.editions-hermes.fr/fr/cdrom2005/pages/notices/2866014980.html}, EDITOR = {Authié, Gérard and al.}, YEAR = {1995} }
@INCOLLECTION{QualiteArith, AUTHOR = {Roch, Jean-Louis and Michelucci, Dominique }, TITLE = {Chapitre 6, Atihmétiques exactes}, BOOKTITLE = {Qualité des calculs sur ordinateur}, PUBLISHER = {Masson}, EDITOR = {Marc Daumas and Jean-Michel Muller}, YEAR = {1997}, URL = {http://perso.ens-lyon.fr/jean-michel.muller/livre_masson.html} }
@INCOLLECTION{2001-calculformel, AUTHOR = {Gautier, Thierry and Hong, Hoon and Roch, Jean-Louis and Schreiner, Wolfgang }, TITLE = {Parallel Computer Algebra Systems, Chap. 2 -- Section 2.16}, BOOKTITLE = {Computer Algebra Handbook : Foundations, Applications, Systems}, PUBLISHER = {Springer Verlag, Heidelberg}, ISBN = {3-540-65466-6}, PAGES = {146--150}, EDITOR = {Grabmeier, J. and Kaltofen, E. and Weispfennig, V.}, YEAR = {2003} }
@INCOLLECTION{2005-secu-secrete, AUTHOR = {Bouvry, Pascal and Dumas, Jean-Guillaume and Gillard, Roland and Roch, Jean-Louis and Varrette, S\'{e}bastien}, TITLE = {Chapitre 2 -- Cryptographie \`{a} clef secr\'{e}te}, BOOKTITLE = {La s\'ecurit\'e Multim\'edia}, PUBLISHER = {Hermes Science}, EDITOR = {Ebrahimi, T. and Leprevost, F. and Warusfeld, B.}, PAGES = {23--99}, MONTH = {January}, YEAR = {2006} }
@INCOLLECTION{2005-secu-publique, AUTHOR = {Dumas, Jean-Guillaume and Leprevost, Franck and Roch, Jean-Louis and Savin, Valentin and Varrette, S\'{e}bastien}, TITLE = {Chapitre 4 -- Cryptographie \`{a} clef publique}, BOOKTITLE = {La s\'ecurit\'e Multim\'edia}, PUBLISHER = {Hermes Science}, EDITOR = {Ebrahimi, T. and Leprevost, F. and Warusfeld, B.}, PAGES = {103--182}, MONTH = {January}, YEAR = {2006} }
@INCOLLECTION{2005-secu-pki, AUTHOR = {Dumas, Jean-Guillaume and Leprevost, Franck and Roch, Jean-Louis and Varrette, S\'{e}bastien}, TITLE = {Chapitre 5 -- Architectures PKI}, BOOKTITLE = {La s\'ecurit\'e Multim\'edia}, PUBLISHER = {to appear in Hermes}, EDITOR = {Ebrahimi, T. and Leprevost, F. and Warusfeld, B.}, PAGES = {187--208}, MONTH = {January}, YEAR = {2006} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{RSSV88, AUTHOR = {Jean-Louis Roch and Pascale S{\'e}n{\'e}chaud and Fran\c{c}oise Roch-Siebert and Gilles Villard}, TITLE = {Computer Algebra on MIMD Machine.}, BOOKTITLE = {International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, ISSAC'88}, PUBLISHER = {Springer}, SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, VOLUME = {358}, ISBN = {3-540-51084-2}, YEAR = {1988}, MONTH = {July}, PAGES = {423-439}, NOTE = {This paper received Best Application Paper Award} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{ROC88, AUTHOR = {Roch, Jean-Louis }, BOOKTITLE = {Computer Algebra and Parallelism CAP 1}, TITLE = {Towards a Computer Algebra co-processor}, ADDRESS = {Grenoble, France}, EDITOR = {Della-Dora, J. and Fitch, J.}, YEAR = {1989}, ISBN = {012209042X}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press, Inc.} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{ROC90-2, AUTHOR = {Roch, Jean-Louis}, TITLE = {An Environment for Parallel Algebraic Computation}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Computer Algebra and Parallelism}, ADDRESS = {Ithaca, USA}, YEAR = {1990}, MONTH = {May}, DAY = {9--11}, EDITOR = {R.E. Zippel}, ISBN = {3-540-55328-2}, PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag, L.N.C.S. 584}, PAGES = {33-50} }
@MISC{ROC90-issac, AUTHOR = {Roch, Jean-Louis}, TITLE = {Fast Division of Arbitrary Size Integers.}, NOTE = {poster at International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, ISSAC'90}, ADDRESS = {Tokyo, Japan}, YEAR = {1990}, MONTH = {July} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{RT92, AUTHOR = {Roch, Jean-Louis and Trystram, Denis}, TITLE = {Parallel Winograd Multiplication}, BOOKTITLE = {EWPC'92, Parallel Computing: from theory to sound practice}, ADDRESS = {Barcelona}, YEAR = {1992}, EDITOR = {W. Joosen and E. Milgrom}, PUBLISHER = {IOS Press}, PAGES = {578-581} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{ROCHVV92, AUTHOR = {Roch, Jean-Louis and Vermeerbergen, Alexandre and Villard, Gilles}, TITLE = {{Cost prediction for Load Balancing}}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of CONPAR'92}, ADDRESS = {Lyon}, YEAR = {1992}, PUBLISHER = {Springer}, SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, VOLUME = {634}, ISBN = {3-540-55895-0}, MONTH = {September}, URLPS = {papers/92-COMPAR.ps.gz}, URLPDF = {papers/92-COMPAR.pdf}, DOI = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/3-540-55895-0_444} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{ROCHV92, AUTHOR = {Roch, Jean-Louis and Villard, Gilles}, TITLE = {{Parallel gcd and lattice basis reduction}}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of CONPAR'92}, ADDRESS = {Lyon}, YEAR = {1992}, PUBLISHER = {Springer}, SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, VOLUME = {634}, ISBN = {3-540-55895-0}, MONTH = {September} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{pasco94, AUTHOR = {Gautier, Thierry and Roch, Jean-Louis}, BOOKTITLE = {First International Symposium on Parallel Symbolic Computation (PASCO'94)}, EDITOR = {Hoon Hong}, PAGES = {145}, SERIES = {{Lecture Notes Series in Computing}}, VOLUME = {5}, ISBN = {9810220405}, TITLE = {{PAC++ System and Parallel Algebraic Numbers Computation}}, YEAR = {1994}, MONTH = {September}, ADDRESS = {Hagenberg/Linz, Austria}, URLPS = {papers/94-pasco.ps.gz}, URLPDF = {papers/94-pasco.pdf} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{rero1:evalpar, AUTHOR = {Revol, Nathalie and Roch, Jean-Louis}, BOOKTITLE = {$3^{rd}$ Int. Conf on Numerical Methods and Applications, ${\cal{O}}(h^3)$, Bulgaria}, TITLE = {Automatic parallelization of numerical computations in fields and lattices}, YEAR = {1994} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{RoVi94-3, AUTHOR = {Roch, Jean-Louis and Villard, Gilles}, BOOKTITLE = {{Parallel Architectures and Languages Europe 94, Athens Greece}}, MONTH = {July}, SERIES = {LNCS 817}, TITLE = {{{Parallel computations with algebraic numbers, a case study: Jordan normal form of matrices}}}, PAGES = {701--712}, YEAR = {1994}, DOI = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/3-540-58184-7_142} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{RVV94, AUTHOR = {Roch, Jean-Louis and Vermeerbergen, Alexandre and Villard, Gilles}, TITLE = {A New Load-Prediction Scheme Based on Algorithmic Cost Functions}, BOOKTITLE = {Proc. of CONPAR 94-VAPP VI, LNCS 854}, EDITOR = {Springer-Verlag}, ADRESS = {Linz, Autriche}, MONTH = {September}, YEAR = {1994}, PAGES = {878--889} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{GRV95, AUTHOR = {Gautier, Thierry and Roch, Jean-Louis and Villard, Gilles}, BOOKTITLE = {Proc. of IRREGULAR'95, Lyon, France}, MONTH = {September}, PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag}, TITLE = {{Regular versus irregular problems and algorithms}}, PAGES = {1--26}, YEAR = {1995}, URLPDF = {papers/95-irregular.pdf}, URLPS = {papers/95-irregular.ps.gz} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{DDRTa97, AUTHOR = {Dumitrescu, Bogdan and Doreille, Mathias and Roch, Jean-Louis and Trystram, Denis}, ADDRESAS = {Zakopane, Poland}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of PPAM'97 -- 2nd International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics}, TITLE = {Influence of Scheduling on actual high-performance computing applications}, YEAR = {1997} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{pasco97, AUTHOR = {Gautier, Thierry and Roch, Jean-Louis}, BOOKTITLE = {Parallel Symbolic Computation (PASCO'97)}, EDITOR = {Erich Kaltofen}, TITLE = {{ $NC^2$ computation of a gcd-free basis and application to parallel algebraic number computations}}, MONTH = {July}, YEAR = {1997}, URLPS = {papers/97-pasco.ps.gz}, URLPDF = {papers/97-pasco.pdf} }
@CONFERENCE{RGDVaca98, AUTHOR = {Roch, Jean-Louis and Gautier, Thierry and Dumas, Jean-Guillaume and Villard, Gilles}, TITLE = {Data-flow multithreaded parallelism in computer algebra algorithms}, ADDRESS = {Prague, Czech Republic}, BOOKTITLE = { 4th International IMACS Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra, ACA'98}, MONTH = {August}, DAY = {9--11}, YEAR = {1998}, URL = {http://www.math.unm.edu/ACA/1998/sessions/highper.html} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{Europar98, AUTHOR = {Cavalheiro, Gerson and Denneulin, Yves and Roch, Jean-Louis }, TITLE = {{ A general modular specification for distributed schedulers}}, ADDRESS = {Southampton, England}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of Europar'98}, EDITOR = {Springer Verlag, LNCS 980}, MONTH = {September}, YEAR = {1998}, URLPS = {papers/98-europar.ps.gz}, URLPDF = {papers/98-europar.pdf}, URL = {http://www.europar98.ecs.soton.ac.uk/} }
@CONFERENCE{Pact98, AUTHOR = {Galil{\'e}e, Fran{\c{c}}ois and Roch, Jean-Louis and Cavalheiro, Gerson and Doreille, Matthias }, TITLE = {{ Athapascan-1: On-line Building Data Flow Graph in a Parallel Language}}, ADDRESS = {Paris, France}, BOOKTITLE = {International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques, PACT'98}, EDITOR = {IEEE}, PAGES = {88--95}, MONTH = {October}, YEAR = {1998}, URLPS = {papers/98-pact.ps.gz}, URLPDF = {papers/98-pact.pdf}, URL = {http://www.cs.njit.edu/pact/} }
@CONFERENCE{SPAA2001, AUTHOR = { Dumas, Jean-Guillaume and Roch, Jean-Louis}, TITLE = {{ A parallel block algorithm for exact triangularization of rectangular matrices. }}, ADDRESS = {Heraklion, Cr\^ete}, BOOKTITLE = {13th ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA'01) }, MONTH = {July}, YEAR = {2001}, URLPS = {papers/2001-spa-turbo_2pages.ps.gz}, URLPDF = {papers/2001-spa-turbo_2pages.pdf}, URL = {http://www.spaa-conference.org/} }
@CONFERENCE{JafarRoch2004, AUTHOR = {Jafar, Samir and Roch, Jean-Louis}, TITLE = {Fault-Tolerance for Macro Dataflow Parallel Computations on Grid}, ADDRESS = {Damascus, Syria}, BOOKTITLE = {ICCTA'04 IEEE Conference on Information\&Communication Technologies: from Theory to Applications}, URL = {http://ictta.enst-bretagne.fr/}, URLPDF = {papers/2004-ictta.pdf}, MONTH = {April}, YEAR = {2004} }
@CONFERENCE{JafarVarretteRoch2004, AUTHOR = {Jafar, Samir and Varrette S\'ebastien and Roch, Jean-Louis}, TITLE = {Using Data-Flow Analysis for Resilience and Result Checking in Peer-To-Peer Computations}, ADDRESS = {Zaragoza, Spain}, BOOKTITLE = {IEEE DEXA'2004 - Workshop GLOBE'04: pages = {512--516}, Grid and Peer-to-Peer Computing Impacts on Large Scale Heterogeneous Distributed Database Systems}, URL = {http://www.irit.fr/globe2004/}, URLPDF = {papers/2004-globe.pdf}, MONTH = {August}, YEAR = {2004} }
@CONFERENCE{VarretteRochLeprevost2004, AUTHOR = {Varrette, S\'ebastien and Roch, Jean-Louis and Lepr\'evost, Franck}, TITLE = {FlowCert: Probabilistic Certification for Peer-to-Peer Computations}, ADDRESS = {Foz do Iguacu, Brazil}, BOOKTITLE = {16th Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing, IEEE SBAC-PAD 2004}, EDITOR = {IEEE}, PAGES = {108--115}, MONTH = {October}, URL = {http://www.sbc.org.br/sbac/2004/}, URLPDF = {papers/2004-sbac.pdf}, YEAR = {2004} }
@CONFERENCE{EGC2005-KringsRochJafarVarrette, AUTHOR = {Krings, Axel W. and Roch, Jean-Louis and Jafar, Samir and Varrette, Sebastien}, TITLE = {A Probabilistic Approach for Task and Result Certification of Large-scale Distributed Applications in Hostile Environments}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam, The Netherlands}, BOOKTITLE = {European Grid Conference EGC'2005}, EDITOR = {Springer-Verlag, LNCS}, URL = {http://genias.biz/egc2005/}, URLPDF = {papers/EGC-final-2005.pdf}, MONTH = {February}, DAY = {14-16}, YEAR = {2005} }
@CONFERENCE{Europar2005-JGKR, AUTHOR = { Jafar, Samir and Gautier, Thierry and Krings, Axel W. and Roch, Jean-Louis }, TITLE = { A Checkpoint/Recovery Model for Heterogeneous Dataflow Computations Using Work-Stealing}, ADDRESS = {Lisboa, Portogal}, BOOKTITLE = {EUROPAR'2005}, EDITOR = {Springer-Verlag, LNCS}, MONTH = {August}, YEAR = {2005}, URLPDF = {papers/2005-EuroPar-final.pdf}, URL = {http://europar05.di.fct.unl.pt/} }
@CONFERENCE{EIT2005-JKGR, AUTHOR = { Jafar, Samir and Krings, Axel W. and Gautier, Thierry and Roch, Jean-Louis }, TITLE = {Theft-Induced Checkpointing for Reconfigurable Dataflow Applications}, NOTE = {This paper received the EIT'05 Best Paper Award}, ADDRESS = {Lincoln, Nebraska}, BOOKTITLE = {IEEE Electro/Information Technology Conference , (EIT 2005)}, EDITOR = {IEEE}, MONTH = {May}, DAY = {22--25}, YEAR = {2005}, URLPDF = {papers/2005-EIT-Jafar.pdf}, URL = {http://www.nuengr.unl.edu/eit2005/} }
@CONFERENCE{EIT2005-KRJ, AUTHOR = {Krings, Axel W. and Roch, Jean-Louis and Jafar, Samir}, TITLE = {Certification of Large Distributed Computations with Task Dependencies in Hostile Environments}, ADDRESS = {Lincoln, Nebraska}, BOOKTITLE = {IEEE Electro/Information Technology Conference , (EIT 2005)}, EDITOR = {IEEE}, MONTH = {May}, DAY = {22--25}, YEAR = {2005}, URLPDF = {papers/2005-EIT-Krings.pdf}, URL = {http://www.nuengr.unl.edu/eit2005/} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{VGMRL_Gada05, AUTHOR = {S\'ebastien Varrette and S\'ebastien Georget and Johan Montagnat and Jean-Louis Roch and Franck Leprevost}, TITLE = {Distributed Authentication in GRID5000}, BOOKTITLE = {Grid Computing and its Application to Data Analysis (GADA'05)}, EDITOR = {Springer Verlag, LNCS}, PUBLISHER = {Springer Verlag}, ADDRESS = {Agia Napa, Cyprus}, NOTE = {}, SERIES = {LNCS}, MONTH = {November}, URL = {http://www.cs.rmit.edu.au/fedconf/gada2005cfp.html}, YEAR = {2005} }
@CONFERENCE{Europar2006-RTB, AUTHOR = {Roch, Jean-Louis and Traore, Daouda and Bernard, Julien}, TITLE = { On-line adaptive parallel prefix computation}, ADDRESS = {Dresden, Germany}, BOOKTITLE = {EUROPAR'2006}, EDITOR = {Springer-Verlag, LNCS 4128 (http://www.springerlink.com/content/4g8727336n503878/)}, MONTH = {August}, YEAR = {2006}, PAGES = {843--850}, URLPDF = {papers/2006-europar-prefadapt.pdf}, URL = {http://www.springerlink.com/content/4g8727336n503878/} }
@CONFERENCE{GPC2006-CDR, AUTHOR = {Cerin, Christophe and Dubacq, Jean-Christophe and Roch, Jean-Louis}, TITLE = {Methods for Partitioning Data and to Improve Parallel Execution Time for Sorting on Heterogeneous Clusters}, ADDRESS = {Tunghia, Taiwa}, BOOKTITLE = {International conference on Grid and Pervasive Computing, IGC'2006}, EDITOR = {Springer-Verlag, LNCS 3947}, MONTH = {May}, YEAR = {2006}, PAGES = {175-186}, URLPDF = {papers/2006-gpc.pdf}, URL = {http://hpc.csie.thu.edu.tw/gpc2006/} }
@CONFERENCE{TC2006-aha, AUTHOR = {Cung, Van Dat Cung and Danjean, Vincent and Dumas, Jean-Guillaume and Gautier, Thierry and Huard, Guillaume and Raffin, Bruno and Rapine, Christophe and Roch, Jean-Louis and Trystram, Denis}, TITLE = {Adaptive and Hybrid Algorithms: classification and illustration on triangular system solving}, BOOKTITLE = {Transgressive Computing TC'2006}, ADDRESS = {Granada, Spain}, EDITOR = {JG Dumas}, ISBN = {84-689-8381-0}, MONTH = {April}, YEAR = {2006}, PAGES = {131--148}, URLPDF = {papers/2006-tc-aha-adapt.pdf}, URL = {http://www.orcca.on.ca/conferences/tc2006/} }
@CONFERENCE{2006-ICCS-BRPS, AUTHOR = {Julien Bernard and Jean-Louis Roch and Serge de\,Paoli and Miguel Santana}, TITLE = {Adaptive Encoding of Multimedia Streams on MPSoC.}, BOOKTITLE = {ICCS'06 International Conference on Computational Science (4), workshop Real-Time Systems and Adaptive Applications}, PAGES = {999--1006}, ADDRESS = {Reading, UK}, MONTH = {May}, YEAR = {2006}, EDITOR = {Springer-Verlag, LNCS 3994}, URLPDF = {papers/2006-ICSS-RTSAA-mpsoc.pdf}, URL = {http://hpc.csie.thu.edu.tw/gpc2006/} }
@CONFERENCE{2006-CARI-RT, AUTHOR = {Jean-Louis Roch and Daouda Traore}, TITLE = {Un algorithme adaptatif optimal pour le calcul parallèle des préfixes}, ADDRESS = {Cotonou, Benin}, BOOKTITLE = {CARI'2006}, EDITOR = {INRIA}, MONTH = {November}, YEAR = {2006}, URLPDF = {papers/2006-prefixe_cari.pdf}, URL = {http://www.cari-info.org/index_a.php} }
@CONFERENCE{2006-ICPS-VRMSPL, AUTHOR = {Sébastien Varrette and Jean-Louis Roch and Johan Montagnat and Ludwig Seitz and Jean-Marc Pierson and Franck Leprévost}, TITLE = {Safe Distributed Architecture for Image-based Computer Assisted Diagnosis}, ADDRESS = {Lyon, France}, BOOKTITLE = {ICPS'06, IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Services, workshop on Health Pervasive Systems}, EDITOR = {IEEE}, MONTH = {June}, YEAR = {2006}, URLPDF = {papers/2006-hps-ragtime.pdf}, URL = {http://www.icpsconference.org} }
@CONFERENCE{2006-ICTTA-JPGR, AUTHOR = {Samir Jafar and Laurent Pigeon and Thierry Gautier and Jean-Louis Roch}, TITLE = {Self-Adaptation of Parallel Applications in Heterogeneous and Dynamic Architectures}, BOOKTITLE = {ICTTA'06 IEEE Conference on Information and Communication Technologies: from Theory to Applications}, ADDRESS = {Damascus, Syria}, MONTH = {April}, YEAR = {2006}, EDITOR = {IEEE}, PAGES = {3347--3352}, URLPDF = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/iel5/11100/35471/01684954.pdf?tp=&arnumber=1684954&isnumber=3547}, URL = {http://ictta.enst-bretagne.fr/} }
@CONFERENCE{2006-ICTT1-BJGR, AUTHOR = {Xavier Besseron and Samir Jafar and Thierry Gautier and Jean-Louis Roch}, TITLE = {CCK: An Improved Coordinated Checkpoint/Rollback Protocol for Dataflow Applications in KAAPI}, BOOKTITLE = {ICTTA'06 IEEE Conference on Information and Communication Technologies: from Theory to Applications}, ADDRESS = {Damascus, Syria}, MONTH = {April}, YEAR = {2006}, EDITOR = {IEEE}, PAGES = {3353--3358}, URLPDF = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/iel5/11100/35471/01684955.pdf?tp=&arnumber=1684955&isnumber=35471}, URL = {http://ictta.enst-bretagne.fr/} }
@CONFERENCE{SuaresMenierRaffinMenier2006, AUTHOR = "Soares, Luciano and Menier, Cl\'ement and Raffin, Bruno and Roch, Jean-Louis", TITLE = "Parallel Adaptive Octree Carving for Real-time 3D Modeling", ADDRESS = {Charlotte, USA}, BOOKTITLE = {Poster at IEEE VR'2007 - Virtual Reality}, MONTH = {March}, url = "http://conferences.computer.org/vr/2007", pdf = "papers/2007-ieeevr.pdf", YEAR = {2007} }
@CONFERENCE{GautierRochWagner07, AUTHOR = "Gautier, Thierry and Roch, Jean-Louis and Wagner, Fr\'ed\'eric", TITLE = "Fine Grain Distributed Implementation of a Dataflow Language with Provable Performances", ADDRESS = "Beijing, China", BOOKTITLE = "ICCS 2007 / PAPP 2007 4th Int. Workshop on Practical Aspects of High-Level Parallel Programming", URL = {http://www.iccs-meeting.org/iccs2007/}, urlpdf = "papers/2007-papp-iccs.pdf", MONTH = {May}, YEAR = {2007} }
@InProceedings{SuaresMenierRaffinMenierEGPGV2007, author = {Luciano Soares and Cl{\'e}ment M{\'e}nier and Bruno Raffin and Jean-Louis Roch}, title = {Work Stealing for Time-constrained Octree Exploration: Application to Real-time 3D Modeling}, booktitle = {EGPGV}, year = {2007}, address = {Lugano,Switzerland}, month = {May}, url = {http://www.egpgv07.org/}, urlpdf="papers/2007-egpgv.pdf" }
@CONFERENCE{DGGRR-pasco07, AUTHOR = "Danjean, Vincent and Gillard, Roland and Guelton, Serge and Roch, Jean-Louis and Roche, Thomas", TITLE = "Adaptive Loops with Kaapi on Multicore and Grid: Applications in Symmetric Cryptography", ADDRESS = "London, Ontario, Canada", BOOKTITLE = "Parallel Symbolic Computation'07 (PASCO'07)", EDITOR = "ACM publishing", URL = {http://www.orcca.on.ca/conferences/pasco2007/}, urlpdf = "papers/2007-07-Pasco-adapt.pdf", MONTH = {July}, YEAR = {2007} }
@CONFERENCE{RochVarrette-pasco2007, AUTHOR = {Jean-Louis Roch and Sebastien Varrette}, TITLE = "Probabilistic Certification of Divide & Conquer Algorithms on Global Computing Platforms. Application to Fault-Tolerant Exact Matrix-Vector Product", ADDRESS = "London, Ontario, Canada", BOOKTITLE = "Parallel Symbolic Computation'07 (PASCO'07)", EDITOR = "ACM publishing", URL = {http://www.orcca.on.ca/conferences/pasco2007/}, urlpdf = "papers/2007-07-Pasco-certif.pdf", MONTH = {July}, YEAR = {2007} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{BernardRochTraore2007, AUTHOR = {Julien Bernard and Jean-Louis Roch and Daouda Traore}, TITLE = {Processor-oblivious parallel stream computations}, BOOKTITLE = {16th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and network-based Processing}, YEAR = {2007}, ADDRESS = {Toulouse, France}, MONTH = {Feb}, URL = {http://www.pdp2008.org/}, urlpdf ={papers/2008-PDP-processor-oblivious-parallel-stream.pdf} }
@CONFERENCE{Europar2008-TRMGB, AUTHOR = "Traore, Daouda and Roch, Jean-Louis and Maiilard, Nicolas and Gautier, Thierry and Bernard, Julien", TITLE = "Deque-free work-optimal parallel STL algorithms", ADDRESS = "Las Palmas, Spain", BOOKTITLE = "EUROPAR 2008", EDITOR = "Springer-Verlag", MONTH = {August}, YEAR = {2008}, url={http://www.caos.uab.es/europar2008/}, pdf = {http://www-id.imag.fr/Laboratoire/Membres/Roch_Jean-Louis/perso_html/papers/2008-europar-adaptSTL.pdf} }
@InProceedings{VRDK_SGS08, author = {Sebastien Varrette and Jean-Louis Roch and Guillaume Duc and Ronan Keryell}, title = {Building Secure Resources to Ensure Safe Computations in Distributed and Potentially Corrupted Environments}, booktitle = {Euro-Par 2008, Workshop on Secure, Trusted, Manageable and Controllable Grid Services (SGS'08)}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)}, url = {http://www-lipn.univ-paris13.fr/~cerin/SGS.html}, pdf = {http://www-id.imag.fr/Laboratoire/Membres/Roch_Jean-Louis/perso_html/papers/2008-VRDK_SGS08.pdf}, month = {August}, year = {2008} }
@CONFERENCE{RGR-mco08, AUTHOR = "Thomas Roche and Roland Gillard and Jean-Louis Roch", TITLE = "Provable Security against Impossible Differential Cryptanalysis. Application to CS-Cipher.", ADDRESS = "Metz, France", BOOKTITLE = "Modelling, Computation and Optimization in Information Systems and Management Sciences (MCO'08)", EDITOR = "Springer", URL = {http://www.lita.univ-metz.fr/~mco08/}, pdf = {http://www-id.imag.fr/Laboratoire/Membres/Roch_Jean-Louis/perso_html/papers/2008-09-MCO-Impdiff.pdf}, MONTH = {Sept}, YEAR = {2008} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{RSSV87, AUTHOR = {Jean-Louis Roch and Fran\c{c}oise Siebert and Pascale S{\'e}n{\'e}chaud and Gilles Villard}, TITLE = {Calcul Formel, Parall\'elisme et Occam}, BOOKTITLE = {OPPT'87: 7th Colloque sur la Programmation Parall\`ele des Machines \`a Base de Transputers}, EDITOR = {Muntean, T.}, ADDRESS = {Grenoble, France}, YEAR = {1987}, MONT = {sept, 14--16} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{ROC91-2, AUTHOR = {Roch, Jean-Louis}, BOOKTITLE = {{Computing with Parallel Architectures: T. Node}}, TITLE = {{The PAC system and its implementation on distributed architectures}}, YEAR = {1991}, EDITOR = {D. Gassiloud, J.C. Grossetie}, PUBLISHER = {Kluwer Academic Publishers}, PAGES = {111-122} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{BGR96, AUTHOR = {Briat, Jacques and Gautier, Thierry and Roch, Jean-Louis}, BOOKTITLE = {Proc. of ESPPE'96, Parallel Programming Environments for High Performance Computing}, ADRESS = { Grenoble, France}, MONTH = {April}, TITLE = {{On-line scheduling}}, YEAR = {1996}, PAGES = {95--108}, URLPDF = {papers/96-esppe.pdf} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{GRstrata96, AUTHOR = {Gautier, Thierry and Roch, Jean-Louis}, BOOKTITLE = {Proc. of Stratagem'96, Symposium on parallel computing for solving large scale and irregular applications}, TITLE = {{Irregular algorithms and on-line scheduling}}, EDITOR = {INRIA}, ADRESS = {Sophia-Antipolis, France}, MONTH = {July}, YEAR = {1996}, PAGES = {17--37} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{Ptools96, AUTHOR = {Doreille, Mathias and Cavalheiro, Gerson and Roch, Jean-Louis}, BOOKTITLE = {European parallel tools meeting}, TITLE = {{Athapascan-1: a C++ library for parallel programming}}, EDITOR = {ONERA}, ADRESS = {Châtillon, France}, MONTH = {October}, YEAR = {1996} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{issac-tutorial97, AUTHOR = {Jean-Louis Roch and Gilles Villard}, TITLE = {Parallel computer algebra (tutorial)}, BOOKTITLE = {ISSAC '97: Proceedings of the 1997 international symposium on Symbolic and algebraic computation}, MONTH = {July}, YEAR = {1997}, ISBN = {0-89791-875-4}, LOCATION = {Kihei, Maui, Hawaii, United States}, DOI = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/258726.276957}, URLPS = {papers/97-issac.ps.gz}, URLPDF = {papers/97-issac.pdf}, HTTP = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/258726.276957}, PUBLISHER = {ACM Press}, ADDRESS = {New York, NY, USA} }
@CONFERENCE{Yale98, AUTHOR = {Cavalheiro, Gerson and Galilée, François and Roch, Jean-Louis }, TITLE = {{ Athapascan-1: Parallel Programming with Asynchronous Tasks}}, ADDRESS = {Yale, USA }, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Yale Multithreaded Programming Workshop}, MONTH = {June}, YEAR = {1998}, URLPS = {papers/98-ath1-yale.ps.gz}, URLPDF = {papers/98-ath1-yale.pdf}, URL = {http://bradley.csail.mit.edu/~bradley/ymp-workshop/} }
@CONFERENCE{PCIA99, AUTHOR = {Cavalheiro, Gerson and Doreille, Matthias and Galil{\'e}e, Fran{\c{c}}ois and Gautier, Thierry and Roch, Jean-Louis}, TITLE = {{ Scheduling parallel programs on non-uniform memory architectures}}, ADDRESS = {Orlando, USA }, BOOKTITLE = {HPCA Conference -- Workshop on ``Parallel Computing for Irregular Applications PCIA'1''}, MONTH = {January}, YEAR = {1999}, URLPS = {papers/99-pcia_jl.ps.gz}, URLPDF = {papers/99-pcia_jl.pdf}, URL = {http://www-id.imag.fr/Archives/manifestations/PCIA/} }
@CONFERENCE{Oujda99, AUTHOR = { Roch, Jean-Louis and Konig, Jean-Claude}, TITLE = {{ Régulation de Charge }}, ADDRESS = {Oujda, Maroc }, BOOKTITLE = {Actes de l'Ecole d'Automne sur l'Informatique Parallèle et Distribuée, PARDI'99}, MONTH = {October}, PAGES = {96--121}, YEAR = {1999}, URLPS = {papers/98-article-oujda.ps.gz}, URLPDF = {papers/98-article-oujda.pdf}, NOTE = {slides available at http://www-id.imag.fr/Laboratoire/Membres/Roch\_Jean-Louis/perso\_html/talks/99-oujda-slides.ppt}, URL = {http://www.cnr.ac.ma/} }
@CONFERENCE{WPCIA2000, AUTHOR = { Roch,Jean-Louis }, TITLE = {{ Memory in parallel data-flow languages: CC-UMA versus NORMA implementations.}}, ADDRESS = {Toulouse, France}, BOOKTITLE = {HPCA Conference -- Workshop on ``Parallel Computing for Irregular Applications WPCIA2''}, NOTE = {slides available at http://www-id.imag.fr/Laboratoire/Membres/Roch\_Jean-Louis/perso\_html/talks/2000-01-wpcia.ppt.mov}, URLPDF = {talks/2000-01-wpcia.ppt.mov}, MONTH = {January}, YEAR = {2000} }
@CONFERENCE{ALA2001, AUTHOR = { Roch,Jean-Louis }, TITLE = {{ Ordonnancement de programmes parall\`eles sur grappes~: théorie versus pratique.}}, ADDRESS = {Rabat, Maroc}, PAGES = {131--144}, BOOKTITLE = {{Actes du Congrès International ALA 2001, Université Mohamm V}}, MONTH = {May}, DAY = {28--31}, YEAR = {2001}, URLPS = {papers/2001-ala-jlr.ps.gz}, URLPDF = {papers/2001-ala-jlr.pdf}, URL = {http://www.cnr.ac.ma/} }
@CONFERENCE{ThierryMieg2003, AUTHOR = {Thierry-Mieg, Nicolas and Trilling, Laurent and Roch, Jean-Louis}, TITLE = {A novel pooling design for protein-protein interaction mapping}, ADDRESS = {Paris, France}, BOOKTITLE = {ECCB'2003 European Conference on Computational Biology }, MONTH = {September}, YEAR = {2003}, URLPDF = {http://www.inra.fr/eccb2003/posters/pdf/Other\_Thierry-Mieg\_20030606\_164731.pdf}, URL = {http://www.inra.fr/eccb2003/} }
@CONFERENCE{DenneulinVarretteRochLeprevost2004, AUTHOR = {Varrette, S\'ebastien and Roch, Jean-Louis and Denneulin, Yves and Lepr\'evost, Franck}, TITLE = {Secure architectures for clusters and grids}, ADDRESS = {Grenoble, France}, BOOKTITLE = {CRIS 2004}, EDITOR = {IEEE}, URL = {http://www.leg.ensieg.inpg.fr/cris2004/}, URLPDF = {papers/2004-cris.pdf}, MONTH = {October}, YEAR = {2004} }
@CONFERENCE{DaoudiMaillardRoch2004, AUTHOR = {Beaumont, O. and Daoudi, E.M. and Maillard, N. and Manneback, P. and Roch, J.-L.}, TITLE = {Tradeoff to minimize extra-computations and stopping criterion tests for parallel iterative schemes}, ADDRESS = {CIRM, Marseille, France}, BOOKTITLE = {3rd International Workshop on Parallel Matrix Algorithms and Applications (PMAA04)}, MONTH = {October}, DAY = {18--22}, URL = {http://www-id.imag.fr/PMAA04/}, URLPDF = {papers/2004-PMAA.pdf}, URLPS = {papers/2004-Beaumont_et_al_PMAA2004-extended.pdf}, YEAR = {2004} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{2006-dagstuhl-DPR, AUTHOR = {Jean-Guillaume Dumas and Clément Pernet and Jean-Louis Roch }, TITLE = {Adaptive Triangular System Solving}, BOOKTITLE = {Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings -- Challenges in Symbolic Computation Software}, ADDRESS = {Dagstuhl, Germany}, MONTH = {July}, YEAR = {2006}, EDITOR = {W. Decker and M. Dewar and E. Kaltofen and S. Watt}, URLPDF = {papers/2006-DumasPernetRoch-adaptriangsolving.pdf}, URL = {http://www.dagstuhl.de/de/program/calendar/semhp/?semnr=06271} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{2006-SIAMPP-Aha, AUTHOR = { Van-Dat Cung and Jean-Guillaume Dumas and Thierry Gautier and Guillaume Huard and Bruno Raffin and Christophe Rapine and Jean-Louis Roch Denis Trystram}, TITLE = {Adaptive algorithms: theory and application}, BOOKTITLE = {SIAM Parallel Processing 2006, Mini-Symposium MS1: Adaptive algorithms for scientific computing}, ADDRESS = {San Francisco, USA}, MONTH = {February}, PAGES = {49--50}, YEAR = {2006}, EDITOR = {SIAM PP'06}, URLPDF = {http://meetings.siam.org/sess/dsp_programsess.cfm?SESSIONCODE=5022}, URL = {http://www.siam.org/meetings/pp06/} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{RRC-AP2PS09, AUTHOR = {Thomas Roche and Jean-Louis Roch and Matthieu Cunche}, TITLE = {{A}lgorithm-based fault tolerance applied to {P}2{P} computing networks.}, BOOKTITLE = {The First International Conference on Advances in P2P Systems}, PUBLISHER = {IEEE}, ADDRESS = {Sliema, Malta}, PAGES = "144--149", doi={http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/AP2PS.2009.30}, pdf={http://www.computer.org/portal/web/csdl/doi/10.1109/AP2PS.2009.30}, URL = {http://www.iaria.org/conferences2009/AP2PS09.html}, MONTH = {Oct}, abstract={P2P computing platforms are subject to a wide range of attacks. In this paper, we propose a generalisation of the previous disk-less checkpointing approach for fault-tolerance in High Performance Computing systems. Our contribution is in two directions: first, instead of restricting to 2D checksums that tolerate only a small number of node failures, we propose to base disk-less checkpointing on linear codes to tolerate potentially a large number of faults. Then, we compare and analyse the use of Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) to classical Reed-Solomon (RS) codes with respect to different fault models to fit P2P systems. Our LDPC disk-less checkpointing method is well suited when only node disconnections are considered, but cannot deal with byzantine peers. Our RS disk-less checkpointing method tolerates such byzantine errors, but is restricted to exact finite field computations.}, x-editorial-board = {yes}, x-proceedings = {yes}, x-international-audience = {yes}, YEAR = {2009} }
@inproceedings{DGR-pasco10, AUTHOR = {Dumas, Jean-Guillaume and Gautier, Thierry and Roch, Jean-Louis}, TITLE = {{G}eneric design of {C}hinese remaindering schemes}, ADDRESS = {Grenoble, France}, BOOKTITLE = {Parallel Symbolic Computation'10 (PASCO'10)}, PUBLISHER = {ACM}, URL = {http://pasco2010.imag.fr/}, pdf = {http://moais.imag.fr/membres/jean-louis.roch/perso_html/papers/2010-pasco-chinese-remainder.pdf}, MONTH = {Jul}, YEAR = {2010}, abstract={We propose a generic design for Chinese remainder algorithms. A Chinese remainder computation consists in reconstructing an integer value from its residues modulo coprime integers. We also propose an efficient linear data structure, a radix ladder, for the intermediate storage and computations. Our design is structured into three main modules: a black box residue computation in charge of computing each residue; a Chinese remaindering controller in charge of launching the computation and of the termination decision; an integer builder in charge of the reconstruction computation. We show that this design enables many different forms of Chinese remaindering (for example deterministic, early terminated, distributed, etc.); easy comparisons between these forms and user-transparent parallelism at different parallel grains.}, x-editorial-board = {yes}, x-proceedings = {yes}, x-international-audience = {yes}, }
@inproceedings{JRRA-pasco10, AUTHOR = {Jacquin, Ludovic and Roca, Vincent and Roch, Jean-Louis and Al Ali, Mohamed}, TITLE = {Parallel arithmetic encryption for high-bandwidth communications on multicore/{GPGPU} platforms}, ADDRESS = {Grenoble, France}, BOOKTITLE = {Parallel Symbolic Computation'10 (PASCO'10)}, PUBLISHER = {ACM}, URL = {http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1837210.1837223&coll=portal&dl=ACM&type=series&idx=SERIES825&part=series&WantType=Proceedings&title=PASCO&CFID=97976165&CFTOKEN=93533625#}, pdf = {http://portal.acm.org/ft_gateway.cfm?id=1837223&type=pdf&coll=portal&dl=ACM&CFID=97976165&CFTOKEN=93533625}, MONTH = {Jul}, YEAR = {2010}, abstract={In this work we study the feasibility of high-bandwidth, secure communications on generic machines equipped with the latest CPUs and General-Purpose Graphical Processing Units (GPGPU). We first analyze the suitability of current Nehalem CPU architectures. We show in particular that high performance CPUs are not sufficient by themselves to reach our performance objectives, and that encryption is the main bottleneck. Therefore we also consider the use of GPGPU, and more particularly we measure the bandwidth of the AES ciphering on CUDA. These tests lead us to the conclusion that finding an appropriate solution is extremely difficult.}, x-editorial-board = {yes}, x-proceedings = {yes}, x-international-audience = {yes}, }
@inproceedings{TGTRB10, author = {Tchiboukdjian, Marc and Gast, Nicolas and Trystram, Denis and Roch, Jean-Louis and Bernard, Julien}, title = { A Tighter Analysis of Work Stealing }, booktitle = {ISAAC 2010: Proceedings of The 21st International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation}, volume = {LNCS no XXXX }, MONTH = {Dec}, year = {2010}, address = {Jeju Island, Korea}, location = {Jeju Island, Korea}, publisher = {Springer Verlag}, abstract={ Classical list scheduling is a very popular and efficient technique for scheduling jobs in parallel platforms. However, with the increasing number of processors, the cost for managing a single centralized list becomes prohibitive. The objective of this work is to study the extra cost that must be paid when the list is distributed among the processors. We present a general methodology for computing the expected makespan based on the analysis of an adequate potential function which represents the load unbalance between the local lists. A bound on the deviation from the mean is also derived. Then, we apply this technique to show that the expected makespan for scheduling W unit independent tasks on m processors is equal to W=m with an additional term in 3.65 log W/log 2. Finally, we analyze the work stealing algorithm of Arora, Blumofe and Plaxton and significantly improve the bound on the number of steals. Moreover, simulations show that our bound is very close to the exact value, approximately 50 percent off. This new analysis also enables to study the influence of the initial repartition of tasks and the reduction of the number of steals when several thieves can simultaneously steal work in the same processor's list. }, pdf = {http://moais.imag.fr/membres/jean-louis.roch/perso_html/papers/2010-isaac-ws.pdf}, url = {http://tclab.kaist.ac.kr/$\tilde$isaac10}, x-proceedings = {yes}, x-international-audience = {yes}, x-editorial-board = {yes}, }
@inproceedings{KPRRS-issac10, author = {Khonji, Majid and Pernet, Cl\'{e}ment and Roch, Jean-Louis and Roche, Thomas and Stalinski, Thomas}, title = {Output-sensitive decoding for redundant residue systems}, booktitle = {ISSAC '10: Proceedings of the 2010 International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation}, MONTH = {Jul}, year = {2010}, isbn = {978-1-4503-0150-3}, pages = {265--272}, location = {Munich, Germany}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1837934.1837985}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, abstract={We study algorithm based fault tolerance techniques for supporting malicious errors in distributed computations based on Chinese remainder theorem. The description holds for both computations with integers or with polynomials over a field. It unifies the approaches of redundant residue number systems and redundant polynomial systems through the Reed Solomon decoding algorithm proposed by Gao. We propose several variations on the application of the extended Euclid algorithm, where the error correction rate is adaptive. Several improvements are studied, including the use of various criterions for the termination of the Euclidean Algorithm, and an acceleration using the Half-GCD techniques. When there is some redundancy in the input, a gap in the quotient sequence is stated at the step matching the error correction, which enables early termination parallel computations. Experiments are shown to compare these approaches.}, pdf = {http://moais.imag.fr/membres/jean-louis.roch/perso_html/papers/2010_issac-abft_93-vfinale.pdf}, url = {http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1837934.1837985}, x-proceedings = {yes}, x-international-audience = {yes}, x-editorial-board = {yes}, }
@INPROCEEDINGS{bri93, AUTHOR = {Briat, Jacques and Chassin de Kergommeaux, Jacques and Plateau, Brigitte and Roch, Jean-Louis and Trystram, Denis and Villard, Gilles and Vincent, Jean-Marc}, TITLE = {{APACHE}~: {A}lgorithmique {P}arall\`ele et p{A}rtage de {CH}arg{E}}, BOOKTITLE = {Actes des $5^{iemes}$ Rencontres sur le Parall\'elisme - RenPar5}, YEAR = 1993, MONTH = {May}, ADDRESS = {Brest} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{Briat94, AUTHOR = {Briat, Jacques and Christaller, Michel and Roch, Jean-Louis}, TITLE = {Une maquette pour Athapascan-0 }, BOOKTITLE = {Actes de RenPar'6, ENS Lyon, France}, YEAR = {1994}, PAGES = {231--234}, MONTH = {June} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{GGRV95, AUTHOR = {Gautier, Thierry and Fr\'ed\'eric Guinand and Roch, Jean-Louis and Vermeerbergen, Alexandre}, BOOKTITLE = {JRPRC, Journ\'ees de Recherche sur le Placement Dynamique et la R\'egulation de Charge}, TITLE = {R\'egulation de charge et adaptation de grain~: Athapascan}, PUBLISHER = {GDR-PRS}, EDITOR = {Folliot, Bertil}, MONTH = {May}, YEAR = {1995}, URLPDF = {papers/95-JRPRC.pdf}, URLPS = {papers/95-JRPRC.ps.gz} }
@INCOLLECTION{GRgiens96, AUTHOR = {Briat, Jacques and Gautier, Thierry and Roch, Jean-Louis }, BOOKTITLE = {Placement dynamique et répartition de charge: application aux systèmes répartis et parallèles}, TITLE = {{Application irrégulière et ordonnancement en ligne}}, EDITOR = {Bernard, Guy and Chassin de Kergommeaux, Jacques and Folliot, Bertil and Roucairol, Catherine }, PUBLISHER = {Collection didactique INRIA}, YEAR = {1996}, PAGES = {81--106}, URLPS = {papers/96-Giens.ps.gz}, URLPDF = {papers/96-Giens.pdf} }
@CONFERENCE{RemparTutorial96, AUTHOR = { Roch, Jean-Louis}, ADDRESS = {Bordeaux, France.}, BOOKTITLE = {Tutoriel de RenPar'8}, MONTH = {May}, TITLE = {{ Algorithmes irr\'eguliers et ordonnancement en-ligne. }}, YEAR = {1996} }
@CONFERENCE{CDR96, AUTHOR = {Doreille, Mathias and Cavalheiro, Gerson and Roch, Jean-Louis}, ADDRESS = {Bordeaux, France.}, BOOKTITLE = {RenPar'8}, MONTH = {May}, PAGES = {181}, TITLE = {{ R\'egulation dynamique en Athapascan~: exemple d'un tri parall\` ele probabiliste optimal.}}, YEAR = {1996}, URLPS = {papers/96-renpar-tri.ps.gz}, URLPDF = {papers/96-renpar-tri.pdf} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{DDRTb97, AUTHOR = {Dumitrescu, Bogdan and Doreille, Mathias and Roch, Jean-Louis and Trystram, Denis}, ADDRESS = {Lille}, TITLE = {Two-dimensional block partitionings for the parallel Cholesky factorization}, BOOKTITLE = {2i\`eme s\'eminaire sur les techniques nouvelles de traitement de matrices creuses pour les probl\`emes industriels}, YEAR = {1997}, URL = {http://www.inria.fr/rrrt/rr-3156.html} }
@CONFERENCE{DGR97, AUTHOR = {Doreille, Mathias and Galilée, François and Roch, Jean-Louis}, ADDRESS = {Lausanne, Suisse }, BOOKTITLE = {RenPar'9}, MONTH = {May}, TITLE = {{ Construction dynamique du graphe de flot de données en Athapascan.}}, YEAR = {1997}, URLPS = {papers/97-renpar-galilee.ps.gz}, URLPDF = {papers/97-renpar-galilee.pdf}, URL = {http://lsrwww.epfl.ch/Events/Renpar_97/} }
@CONFERENCE{MRV97, AUTHOR = {Maillard, Nicolas and Roch, Jean-Louis and Valiron, Pierre}, ADDRESS = {Lausanne, Suisse }, BOOKTITLE = {RenPar'9}, MONTH = {May}, TITLE = {{ Parallélisation de l'algorithme de chimie quantique ab-initio MP2.}}, YEAR = {1997}, URLPS = {papers/97-renpar-maillard.ps.gz}, URLPDF = {papers/97-renpar-maillard.pdf}, URL = {http://lsrwww.epfl.ch/Events/Renpar_97/} }
@CONFERENCE{STR97, AUTHOR = {Siewe, François and Tchuente, Maurice and Roch, Jean-Louis}, TITLE = {{ Sémantique dénotationnelle pour langages PRAM.}}, BOOKTITLE = {RenPar'9}, ADDRESS = {Lausanne, Suisse }, MONTH = {May}, YEAR = {1997}, URLPS = {papers/97-renpar-siewe.ps.gz}, URLPDF = {papers/97-renpar-siewe.pdf}, URL = {http://lsrwww.epfl.ch/Events/Renpar_97/} }
@CONFERENCE{KonigRoch97, AUTHOR = {Konig, Jean-Claude and Roch, Jean-Louis }, TITLE = {{ Machines virtuelles et techniques d'ordonnancement}}, ADDRESS = {Auusois, France }, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings école d'hiver de PRS ICARE'97}, MONTH = {December}, YEAR = {1997}, URLPS = {papers/97-sched-aussois.ps.gz}, URLPDF = {papers/97-sched-aussois.pdf}, URL = {http://www-id.imag.fr/Archives/manifestations/icare97/} }
@CONFERENCE{GalileeRoch97, AUTHOR = {Galilée, François and Roch, Jean-Louis }, TITLE = {{ Langages pour l'expression dynamique de parallélisme et graphes de tâches }}, ADDRESS = {Auusois, France }, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings école d'hiver de PRS ICARE'97}, MONTH = {December}, YEAR = {1997}, URLPS = {papers/97-aussois-langages.ps.gz}, URLPDF = {papers/97-aussois-langages.pdf}, URL = {http://www-id.imag.fr/Archives/manifestations/icare97/} }
@CONFERENCE{GCR97, AUTHOR = { Cavalheiro, Gerson and Roch, Jean-Louis }, TITLE = {{ Un schéma modulaire pour l'écriture des ordonnanceurs.}}, BOOKTITLE = {RenPar'10 }, ADDRESS = {Strasbourg}, MONTH = {June}, YEAR = {1998}, URLPS = {papers/98-renpar10-gc.ps.gz}, URLPDF = {papers/98-renpar10-gc.pdf} }
@CONFERENCE{iHPerf2000, AUTHOR = { Le Cun, Bertrand and Rajopadhye, Sanjay and Roch, Jean-Louis and Roucairol, Catherine}, TITLE = {{ Tutorial Algorithmique Parallèle}}, ADDRESS = {Aussois, France}, BOOKTITLE = {Actes de l'Ecole iHPerf 2000 du GDR ARP}, MONTH = {December}, NOTE = {slides available at http://www-id.imag.fr/Laboratoire/Membres/Roch\_Jean-Louis/perso\_html/talks/2000-11-ihperf-talk.ppt}, YEAR = {2000} }
@CONFERENCE{RenparMDMR2002, AUTHOR = { Maillard, Nicolas and Daoudi, El Mostafa and Manneback, Pierre and Roch, Jean-Louis}, TITLE = {{ Contr\^ole amorti des synchronisations pour le test d'arr\^et des m\'ethodes it\'eratives.}}, ADDRESS = {Hammmamet, Tunisie}, BOOKTITLE = {RENPAR'14 }, PAGES = {177--182}, MONTH = {April}, YEAR = {2002}, URLPS = {papers/2002-renpar-nm.ps.gz}, URLPDF = {papers/2002-renpar-nm.pdf}, URL = {http://www.renpar.org} }
@CONFERENCE{Renpargrain2003, AUTHOR = { Kerfali, Aicha and Roch, Jean-Louis and Daoudi, El Mostafa }, TITLE = {{ Algorithmes parall\`eles \`a grain adaptatif - Application \`a la parall\'elisation de gzip}}, ADDRESS = {Nice, France}, BOOKTITLE = {RENPAR'15 }, PAGES = {18--26}, MONTH = {October}, YEAR = {2003}, URLPS = {papers/2003-renpar-aicha.ps.gz}, URLPDF = {papers/2003-renpar-aicha.pdf}, URL = {http://www-sop.inria.fr/oasis/renpar15/} }
@CONFERENCE{Renparsecu2003, AUTHOR = { Varrette, S\'ebastien and Roch, Jean-Louis }, TITLE = {{ Certification logicielle de calcul global avec d\'ependances sur grille}}, ADDRESS = {Nice, France}, BOOKTITLE = {RENPAR'15 }, PAGES = {169--176}, MONTH = {October}, URL = {http://www-sop.inria.fr/oasis/renpar15/}, URLPDF = {papers/2003-renpar-seb.pdf}, YEAR = {2003} }
@CONFERENCE{RochNaddefTrystram2004, AUTHOR = {Naddef, Denis and Roch, Jean-Louis and Trystram, Denis}, TITLE = {Parall\'elisme, calcul formel et r\'esolution de probl\`emes complexes}, ADDRESS = {Grenoble, France}, BOOKTITLE = {EJCACF'2004 Ecole Jeunes Chercheurs en Algorithmique et Calcul Formel}, URL = {http://www-lmc.imag.fr/EJCACF2004/}, URLPDF = {papers/2004-ejcacf-nrt.pdf}, MONTH = {March}, YEAR = {2004} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{JGR05_Renpar, AUTHOR = {Jafar Samir and Gautier Thierry and Roch Jean-Louis}, TITLE = {Mod\`ele de Co\^ut Algorithmique Int\'egrant des M\'ecanismes de Tol\'erance aux Pannes et Exp\'erimentations}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings des 16emes rencontres francophones du parall\'elisme (RenPar'16)}, ADDRESS = {Le Croisic, France}, PAGES = {125-136}, MONTH = {April}, DAY = {6--8}, YEAR = {2005}, URLPDF = {papers/2005-renpar-samir.pdf}, URL = {http://www.renpar.org/} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{VGRL05_Renpar, AUTHOR = {S\'ebstien Varrette and S\'ebastien Georget and Jean-Louis Roch and Franck Leprevost}, ORGANIZATION = {ASF - Ecole des Mines de Nantes}, TITLE = {Authentification Distribu\'ee sur Grille de Grappes bas\'ee sur LDAP}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings des 16\`emes rencontres francophones du parall\'elisme (RenPar'16)}, ADDRESS = {Le Croisic, France}, MONTH = {April}, DAY = {6--8}, URLPDF = {papers/2005-renpar-seb.pdf}, URL = {http://www.renpar.org/}, YEAR = {2005} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{2006-RENPAR-DGMR, AUTHOR = {Guillaume Dunoyer and Thierry Gautier and Gr\'egory Mounie and Jean-Louis Roch}, TITLE = {Parall\'elisation d'un moteur d'inf\'erence bayesienne pour une machine SMP avec Kaapi}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings des 17\`emes rencontres francophones du parall\'elisme (RenPar'17)}, ADDRESS = {Perpignan, France}, MONTH = {October}, DAY = {4--6}, URLPDF = {papers/2006-renpar-gd.pdf}, URL = {http://www.renpar.org/}, YEAR = {2006} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{2008renparTriAdapt, AUTHOR = {Traore, Daouda and Roch, Jean-Louis and Cerin, Christophe}, TITLE = {{Algorithmes adaptatifs de tri parallèle}}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings électronique de RenPar 18}, ADDRESS = {Fribourg, Suisse}, PDF = {http://www-id.imag.fr/Laboratoire/Membres/Roch_Jean-Louis/perso_html/papers/2008renparTriAdapt.pdf}, URL = {http://www.renpar.org/}, MONTH = {February}, YEAR = {2008} }
@PHDTHESIS{ROC89-1, AUTHOR = { Roch, Jean-Louis}, YEAR = {1989}, TITLE = {{Calcul Formel et Parall\'elisme : l'Architecture du Syst\`eme PAC et son Arithm\'etique} Rationnelle}, SCHOOL = {Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble, France} }
@TECHREPORT{RochVillard92, AUTHOR = {Roch, Jean-Louis and Villard, Gilles}, TITLE = {{{PAC}~: Calcul Formel et Parall\'elisme. Recherches en cours et perspectives}}, TYPE = {RR}, NUMBER = {876 M}, INSTITUTION = {IMAG, Grenoble, France}, YEAR = {1992} }
@TECHREPORT{arr93, AUTHOR = {Arrouye, Yves and Kitajima, Jao-Paulo and Prévost, Joëlle and Roch, Jean-Louis and Tron, Cécile and Villard, Gilles}, TITLE = {Manuel du {M}\'eganode}, INSTITUTION = {Laboratoire de Mod\'elisation et Calcul}, YEAR = 1993, TYPE = {RT}, NUMBER = 98, ADDRESS = {Grenoble, France}, MONTH = {March} }
@TECHREPORT{athap-0, AUTHOR = {Briat, Jacques and Chassin de Kergommeaux, Jacques and Christaller, Michel and Rivi\`ere, Michel and Roch, Jean-Louis}, TITLE = {D\'efinition de {Athapascan-0}}, INSTITUTION = {Projet APACHE}, YEAR = 1993, TYPE = {Rapport APACHE}, NUMBER = {}, ADDRESS = {Grenoble, France} }
@TECHREPORT{RoVi94-R1, AUTHOR = {Roch, Jean-Louis and Villard, Gilles}, INSTITUTION = {IMAG Grenoble France}, NUMBER = {APACHE~7 (In english)}, TITLE = {{Calcul formel et parall\'elisme~: \'etude de la forme normale de Jordan}}, YEAR = {1994} }
@UNPUBLISHED{GRVV94-R1, AUTHOR = {Gautier, Thierry and Roch, Jean-Louis and Vermeerbergen, Alexandre and Villard, Gilles}, TITLE = {{PAC++ v2.0 User and developer manual}}, YEAR = {1994}, NOTE = {Preprint IMAG Grenoble France} }
@TECHREPORT{APACHE, AUTHOR = {Plateau, Brigitte and et al.}, ADDRESS = {Grenoble}, INSTITUTION = {IMAG}, MONTH = {October}, NUMBER = {1}, TITLE = {Pr\'esentation d'{APACHE}}, TYPE = {Rapport APACHE}, YEAR = {1994}, URL = {http://www.inria.fr/recherche/equipes/apache.en.html} }
@UNPUBLISHED{athap-1a, AUTHOR = {Doreille, Mathias and Galilée, François and Roch, Jean-Louis}, TITLE = {{La bibliothèque C++ Athapascan-1 }}, INSTITUTION = {Projet APACHE}, YEAR = 1996, NUMBER = {Manuel de programmation}, ADDRESS = {Grenoble, France}, NOTE = {available at http://www-id.imag.fr/Laboratoire/Membres/Roch\_Jean-Louis/perso\_html/papers/97-DocAth1.ps.gz}, URLPS = {papers/97-DocAth1.ps.gz} }
@UNPUBLISHED{athap-1b, AUTHOR = {Cavalheiro, Gerson and Doreille, Mathias and Galilée, François and Roch, Jean-Louis}, TITLE = {{The parallel C++ library Athapascan-1 : a multithreaded execution based model based on dataflow. }}, INSTITUTION = {Projet APACHE}, YEAR = 1998, NOTE = {available at http://www-id.imag.fr/Laboratoire/Membres/Roch\_Jean-Louis/perso\_html/papers/99-ath1-ieee-soumis.[ps.gz pdf]}, URL = {http://www-id.imag.fr/Logiciels/ath1}, URLPS = {papers/99-ath1-ieee-soumis.ps.gz}, URLPDF = {papers/99-ath1-ieee-soumis.pdf}, ADDRESS = {Grenoble, France} }
@TECHREPORT{DDRTc97, AUTHOR = {Dumitrescu, Bogdan and Doreille, Mathias and Roch, Jean-Louis and Trystram, Denis}, TITLE = {Two-dimensional block partitionings for the parallel Cholesky factorization: the fan-in method}, INSTITUTION = {INRIA Rh\^one-Alpes}, PUBLISHER = {INRIA}, NUMBER = {RR-3156}, MONTH = {April}, URL = {http://www.inria.fr/rrrt/rr-3156.html}, YEAR = {1997} }
@TECHREPORT{A1USER, AUTHOR = {Roch, J.-L. and Gautier, T. and Revire, R.}, TITLE = {Athapascan: API for Asynchronous Parallel Programming}, INSTITUTION = {INRIA Rh\^one-Alpes, projet APACHE}, PUBLISHER = {INRIA}, NUMBER = {RT-0276}, MONTH = {February}, YEAR = {2003}, URLPS = {papers/2003-RT-0276.ps.gz}, URLPDF = {papers/2003-RT-0276.pdf}, URL = {http://www.inria.fr/rrrt/rt-0276.html} }
@TECHREPORT{CRAS89, AUTHOR = {Roch, Jean-Louis}, TITLE = {Division rapide d'entiers en pr\'ecision infinie}, TYPE = {CR}, NUMBER = {168}, INSTITUTION = {Note aux Comptes Rendus de l'Acad\'emie des Sciences}, ADDRESS = {France}, MONTH = {November}, YEAR = {1989} }
@ARTICLE{ROC91-1, AUTHOR = {Roch, Jean-Louis}, JOURNAL = {Bulletin Liaison INRIA}, TITLE = {Calcul Formel et parall\'elisme}, VOLUME = {30}, YEAR = {1991} }
@ARTICLE{ROCPLAT91, AUTHOR = { Plateau, Brigitte and Roch, Jean-Louis}, JOURNAL = {Bulletin Liaison INRIA}, TITLE = {{Projet Calcul Massivement Parall\`ele~: CMaP}}, VOLUME = {134}, YEAR = {1991} }
@BOOKLET{polylpac, AUTHOR = {Roch, Jean-Louis and Vigauroux, Jean-Ronan}, TITLE = {LPAC, langage pour l'alg\`ebre et le calcul}, YEAR = {1989}, INSTITUTION = { Polycopi\'e ENSIMAG 2A, INPG, Grenoble, France}, NOTE = {Polycopi\'e Projet de compilation}, URL = {http://www.ensimag.fr}, URLPDF = {polycops/92-lpac-polycop.pdf} }
@BOOKLET{CoursParal, AUTHOR = {Plateau, Brigitte and Rasse, Anne and Roch, Jean-Louis and Verjus, Jean-Pierre}, TITLE = {Parall\'elisme}, YEAR = {1994}, INSTITUTION = { Polycopi\'e ENSIMAG, INPG, Grenoble, France -- Premi\`ere \'edition en 1991 -- }, NOTE = {available at http://www-id.imag.fr/Laboratoire/Membres/Roch\_Jean-Louis/perso\_html/polycops/poly-parallelisme-2a.pdf}, URLPDF = {polycops/poly-parallelisme-2a.pdf}, URLPS = {polycops/poly-parallelisme-2a.ps.gz} }
@BOOKLET{PolyComplexite, AUTHOR = {Roch, Jean-Louis}, TITLE = {Complexit\'e Parall\`ele}, YEAR = {1995}, INSTITUTION = {Polycopi\'e ENSIMAG, INPG, Grenoble, France -- Premi\`ere \'edition -- }, NOTE = {available at http://www-id.imag.fr/Laboratoire/Membres/Roch\_Jean-Louis/perso\_html/polycops/poly-complexite-par.pdf}, URLPDF = {polycops/poly-complexite-par.pdf}, URLPS = {polycops/poly-complexite-par.ps.gz} }
@BOOKLET{PolyCalculFormel, AUTHOR = {Gautier, Thierry and Revol, Nathalie and Roch, Jean-Louis and Gilles Villard }, TITLE = {Calcul Alg\'ebrique et Formel}, YEAR = {1996}, INSTITUTION = {Polycopi\'e ENSIMAG, INPG, Grenoble, France}, NOTE = {available at http://www-id.imag.fr/Laboratoire/Membres/Roch\_Jean-Louis/perso\_html/papers/poly-calcul-formel.ps.gz}, URLPS = {polycops/poly-calcul-formel.ps.gz}, URLPDF = {polycops/poly-calcul-formel.pdf} }
@BOOKLET{ath1-fundations, AUTHOR = {Roch, Jean-Louis}, TITLE = {Parallel Efficient Algorithms and Their Programming}, YEAR = {1997}, INSTITUTION = { Polycopi\'e ENSIMAG, INPG, Grenoble, France, adaptée d'un tutorial à ISSAC'97 -- }, NOTE = {available at http://www-id.imag.fr/Laboratoire/Membres/Roch\_Jean-Louis/perso\_html/polycops/polycop-algo-par.pdf}, URLPDF = {polycops/polycop-algo-par.pdf}, URLPS = {polycops/polycop-algo-par.ps.gz}, URL = {http://www-id.imag.fr/Laboratoire/Membres/Roch\_Jean-Louis/perso\_html/COURS/2003-dea-algo-par/} }
@BOOKLET{polyalgo1, AUTHOR = {Berlioux, Pierre and Cani, Marie-Paule and Lux, Augustin and Mohr, Roger and Naddef, Denis and Roch, Jean-Louis}, TITLE = {Algoritmique 1 : structures de donn\'ees, parcours de graphes, programmation r\'ecursive}, NOTE = {Polycopi\'e ENSIMAG 2A, site du cours http://www-ensimag.imag.fr/INTRANET/KIOSK/Ensimag/2A/TroncCommun/Algo1/}, YEAR = {2000}, URL = {http://www-ensimag.imag.fr/INTRANET/KIOSK/Ensimag/2A/TroncCommun/Algo1/}, INSTITUTION = { Polycopi\'e ENSIMAG 2A, INPG, Grenoble, France} }
@BOOKLET{polyalgo2, AUTHOR = {Berlioux, Pierre and Roch, Jean-Louis}, TITLE = {Algoritmique 2 : Heuristiques; Algorithmes d'approximation, probabilistes et parall\'eles; Complexit\`e}, NOTE = {Polycopi\'e ENSIMAG 2A, site du cours http://www-ensimag.imag.fr/INTRANET/KIOSK/Ensimag/2A/opt/Algo2/}, URL = {http://www-ensimag.imag.fr/INTRANET/KIOSK/Ensimag/2A/opt/Algo2/}, YEAR = {2002}, INSTITUTION = { Polycopi\'e ENSIMAG 2A, INPG, Grenoble, France} }
@BOOKLET{polycodes, AUTHOR = {Dumas, Jean-Guillaume and Roch, Jean-Louis and Tannier, Eric and Varrette, S\'ebastien}, TITLE = {Th\' eorie des codes}, NOTE = {Polycopi\'e ENSIMAG 2A, site du cours http://www-ensimag.imag.fr/INTRANET/KIOSK/Telecom/1A/BMP/Codes/}, URL = {http://www-ensimag.imag.fr/INTRANET/KIOSK/Telecom/1A/BMP/Codes/}, YEAR = {2001}, INSTITUTION = { ENSIMAG et Departement TELECOM, INPG, Grenoble, France} }