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Parallel Programming with SystemC for Loosely Timed Models : A Non-Intrusive Approach

Slides presented at DATE 2013

vendredi 17 mai 2013

The SystemC/TLM technologies are widely accepted in the industry for fast system-level simulation. An important limitation of SystemC regarding performance is that the reference implementation is sequential, and the official semantics makes parallel executions difficult. As the number of cores in computers increase quickly, the ability to take advantage of the host parallelism during a simulation is becoming a major concern.

Most existing work on parallelization of SystemC targets cycle-accurate simulation, and would be inefficient on loosely timed systems since they cannot run in parallel processes that do not execute simultaneously.

We propose an approach that explicitly targets loosely timed systems, and offers the user a set of primitives to express tasks with duration, as opposed to the notion of time in SystemC which allows only instantaneous computations and time elapses without computation. The approach is implemented in a library called sc-during.

Our tool exploits this notion of duration to run the simulation in parallel. It runs on top of any (unmodified) SystemC implementation, which lets legacy SystemC code continue running as-it-is. This allows the user to focus on the performance-critical parts of the program that need to be parallelized.

Publications HAL Identifiant hal-00761047
Parallel Programming with SystemC for Loosely Timed Models: A Non-Intrusive Approach
Matthieu Moy
DATE, Mar 2013, Grenoble, France. pp.9
The SystemC/TLM technologies are widely accepted in the industry for fast system-level simulation. An important limitation of SystemC regarding performance is that the reference implementation is sequential, and the official semantics makes parallel executions difficult. As the number of cores in computers increase quickly, the ability to take advantage of the host parallelism during a simulation is becoming a major concern. Most existing work on parallelization of SystemC targets cycle-accurate simulation, and would be inefficient on loosely timed systems since they cannot run in parallel processes that do not execute simultaneously. We propose an approach that explicitly targets loosely timed systems, and offers the user a set of primitives to express tasks with duration, as opposed to the notion of time in SystemC which allows only instantaneous computations and time elapses without computation. Our tool exploits this notion of duration to run the simulation in parallel. It runs on top of any (unmodified) SystemC implementation, which lets legacy SystemC code continue running as-it-is. This allows the user to focus on the performance-critical parts of the program that need to be parallelized.
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