
I am senior researcher (directeur de recherche) at CNRS, the largest French national scientific research agency. I work at VERIMAG, a computer science laboratory jointly operated by CNRS and the University of Grenoble.

The practical focus of my research is how to prove software correct. This is connected to computability theory, since software correctness, in general, is an undecidable problem, to complexity theory, since many verification problems have high complexity, to mathematical logic, and to fields as diverse as game theory, algebra, and convex optimization.

I've been interested, in particular, in proving strong properties of critical software used in civil aviation (e.g. with respect to numerical overflows and floating-point computations). I've also worked on cryptographic protocols and probabilistic systems.

I hold a PhD (2001, Université Paris Dauphine) and habilitation in computer science (2009, Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble), as well as an agrégation in mathematics.

A list of my publications, with links to downloadable copies, may be found here. You may also wish to consult my entry at DBLP.

Research projects

Current projects

VERASCO (2012–2015)

The VERASCO project aims at integrating a static analyzer into the CompCert certified compiler, and prove it correct with the Coq system. The VERIMAG component focuses on numerical invariants.

VERASCO is funded by the French National agency for research (ANR). See our wiki for more detail.

STATOR (2012–2017)

I am principal investigator for STATOR, which explores advanced techniques for automatic inference of program invariants (abstract interpretation, SMT-solving etc.).

STATOR is a European Research Council (ERC) starting investigator (consolidator) grant.

Job offers

STATOR is recruiting! Please see our job offers for postdocs, funded PhDs, and even masters internships! All enquiries should be directed to me.

Notable past projects

ASOPT (2009–2012)

The ASOPT (Analyse Statique et optimisation) project developed new algorithms for static program analysis, in particular by bringing in techniques from mathematical optimization and game theory.


Astrée is a static analysis tool, which takes C programs as input and attempts proving that no undefined behaviors (overflows, array-out-of-bound errors, bad pointer dereferencing etc.) or other undesirable conditions (assertion violations) can occur. It does so by computing program invariants and checking that they entail the desired conditions.

Astrée is used in avionics, automotive and other industrial applications and is sold through Absint GmbH.





See also download subdirectory for odds and ends.


The preferred way to contact me is by email to David.Monniaux AT Otherwise, you can try phoning my office at +33 4 57 42 22 32; beware that I may be unavailable. Should you need it, the lab has a shared fax number +33 4 57 42 22 22. My current GPG key is:

pub   4096R/C371AAD0 2017-01-13 [expires: 2022-01-12]
      Key fingerprint = D671 CC22 03A6 5156 1C32  9AC4 A3C2 E122 C371 AAD0

My snail mail address is:
Bâtiment IMAG
Université Grenoble Alpes
700, avenue centrale
38401 Saint Martin d’Hères


I write a blog, mostly in French, but sometimes also in English.

David Monniaux AT