Library Eqle.diag_nat_inv

Author: Jean-François Monin, Verimag, Université Grenoble Alpes
Proving UIP on nat using inversion of a diagonal isomorphic version of eq on nat

Require Import Utf8.

Inductive diag : nat nat Prop :=
| dia0 : diag 0 0
| diaS x y : diag x y diag (S x) (S y).

Injective small inversion
Inductive is_dia0 : diag 0 0 Prop := ii00 : is_dia0 dia0.
Inductive is_diaS x y : diag (S x) (S y) Prop :=
  iiSS : (d : diag x y), is_diaS x y (diaS x y d).
Inductive no_diag x y : diag x y Prop := .
Definition diag_inv {x y} (d : diag x y) :
  match x, y return diag x y Prop with
  | 0, 0 ⇒ is_dia0
  | S x, S yis_diaS x y
  | x, yno_diag x y
  end d.
Proof. destruct d; constructor. Qed.

From eq to diag
Lemma diag_refl {x} : diag x x.
Proof. induction x as [ | x IHx]; constructor. apply IHx. Defined.

Lemma eq_diag {x y} (e : x = y) : diag x y.
Proof. case e. apply diag_refl. Defined.

From diag to eq
Lemma diag_back {x} : {y}, diag x y x = y.
  induction x as [ | x IHx]; destruct y as [ | y];
    intro d; destruct (diag_inv d).
  - reflexivity.
  - apply f_equal, (IHx y d).

eq_diag is injective
Lemma diag_back_isrefl {x} : (d : diag x x), eq_refl = diag_back d.
  induction x as [ | x IHx]; simpl; intro d.
  - destruct (diag_inv d). reflexivity.
  - destruct (diag_inv d) as [d]. case (IHx d). cbn. reflexivity.

Important: the statement is e = ... and not eq_refl = ...
Lemma diag_mono {x y} (e : x = y) : e = diag_back (eq_diag e).
  destruct e. destruct x as [ | x]; simpl.
  + destruct (diag_inv dia0); reflexivity.
  + destruct (diag_inv (diaS x x diag_refl)) as [d]. case (diag_back_isrefl d); reflexivity.

Main theorem
Corollary UIP_nat_smallinv (x: nat) (e : x = x) : eq_refl = e.
Proof. rewrite (diag_mono e). apply diag_back_isrefl. Qed.

Remark: unused direct proof of:
Fixpoint unique_diag x y (d : diag x y) : d', d = d'.
  destruct d as [ | x y d]; intro d'.
  - destruct (diag_inv d'). reflexivity.
  - destruct (diag_inv d') as [d']. apply f_equal, (unique_diag x y d d').

Fixpoint diagTF (x y : nat) : Prop :=
  match x, y with
  | 0, 0 ⇒ True
  | S x, S ydiagTF x y
  | _, _False

Definition diagTF_refl {x} : diagTF x x.
Proof. induction x as [ | x IHx]; cbn; [ exact I | exact IHx]. Defined.

Definition eq_diagTF {x y} (e : x = y) : diagTF x y.
Proof. case e. apply diagTF_refl. Defined.

Definition diagTF_back {x y} : (tf : diagTF x y), x = y.
  revert y; induction x as [ | x IHx];
    intro y; destruct y as [ |y] ; cbn; intro tf; try destruct tf.
  - reflexivity.
  - apply f_equal, IHx, tf.

Definition diagTF_back_isrefl {x} : (tf : diagTF x x), eq_refl = diagTF_back tf.
  induction x as [ | x IHx]; simpl; intro tf.
  - case tf; reflexivity.
  - case (IHx tf). cbn. reflexivity.

Important: the statement is e = ... and not eq_refl = ...
Lemma diagTF_mono {x y} (e : x = y) : e = diagTF_back (eq_diagTF e).
  destruct e. destruct x as [ | x]; simpl.
  + reflexivity.
  + case (diagTF_back_isrefl diagTF_refl). reflexivity.

Corollary UIP_diagTF (x: nat) (e : x = x) : eq_refl = e.
Proof. rewrite (diagTF_mono e). apply diagTF_back_isrefl. Qed.

Corollary UIP_diagTF2 (x y: nat) (e e' : x = y) : e = e'.
Proof. revert e'. case e. apply UIP_diagTF. Qed.

Alternative (not that shorter)

Fixpoint diagTF_unique (x y : nat) : (d d' : diagTF x y), d = d' :=
  match x, y return (d d' : diagTF x y), d = d' with
  | 0, 0 ⇒ λ d d', match d, d' with I, Ieq_refl end
  | S x, S yλ d d', diagTF_unique x y d d'
  | _, _λ d, match d with end

Corollary UIP_diagTF2_alt (x y: nat) (e e' : x = y) : e = e'.
Proof. rewrite (diagTF_mono e), (diagTF_mono e'). apply f_equal, diagTF_unique. Qed.

Lemma UIP_refl_nat (n:nat) (e : n = n) : e = eq_refl.
  induction n as [|n IHn].
  - change (match 0 as n return 0 = n Prop with
            | 0 ⇒ fun ee = eq_refl
            | _fun _False
            end e).
    destruct e; reflexivity.
  - specialize IHn with (f_equal pred e).
    change eq_refl with (f_equal S (@eq_refl _ n)).
    rewrite <- IHn; clear IHn.
    change (match S n as n' return S n = n' Prop with
            | 0 ⇒ fun _False
            | S n'fun e
                e = f_equal S (f_equal pred e)
            end e).
  pattern (S n) at 2 3, e.
  destruct e; reflexivity.