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Scenario ``help''

Scenario which provides the user with on-line help. There is also the facility to get a printed version of the Opium manual.


Command which shows the help commands.
type of command : opium

Command which shows all the Opium objects of a certain type, together with their arguments and their abbreviations if these exist.
ObjectType : is_member([modules, scenarios, commands, primitives, procedures, parameters, types, demos])
type of command : opium

show_all(ObjectType, Scenario)    
Command which shows all the Opium objects of a certain type related to Scenario if Scenario is visible in the current module.
ObjectType : is_member([commands, procedures, primitives, parameters, types, demos])
Scenario : is_opium_scenario
type of command : tool

show_all_in_module(ObjectType, Scenario, Module)    
Command which shows all the Opium objects of a certain type related to Scenario loaded in a given module.
ObjectType : is_member([commands, procedures, primitives, parameters, types, demos])
Scenario : is_opium_scenario
Module : is_opium_module
type of command : opium

show_abbreviations {abbrevs}    
Command which shows all the abbreviations of Opium commands and primitives.
type of command : opium

show_abbreviations(Scenario) {abbrevs}    
Command which shows all the abbreviations of commands and primitives related to Scenario if Scenario is visible in the current module.
Scenario : is_opium_scenario
type of command : tool

show_abbreviations_in_module(Scenario, Module) {abbrevs}    
Command which shows all the abbreviations of commands and primitives related to Scenario in a given module.
Scenario : is_opium_scenario
Module : is_opium_module
type of command : opium

Command which describes a scenario, a command, a primitive, a procedure, a parameter, or a type. For a scenario it gives the corresponding commands, parameters, primitives, procedures, and types. For the other objects it gives the corresponding scenario.
Name : is_opium_object_or_var
type of command : opium

Command which shows all the scenarios, their commands and the corresponding explanations in the file ``File'' (in LaTeX format). It also does some fixes in the LaTeX file. The LaTeX file will then be called <File>.tex afterwards. In order to get a printable <File>.dvi, use command latex_manual/1.
File : atom
type of command : opium

Command which applies the Unix command ``latex ; makeindex ; latex'' to File, where File has been generated by command manual/1. File has to be the name of the LaTeX file without extension '.tex'.
File : atom
type of command : opium

apropos(Name) {a}    
Command which displays all the commands, primitives, procedures, parameters, or types for which Name is a substring of. Example:

[Morphine]: apropos man.

Name : atom
type of command : opium


print_header(Device, Type, Name, Module)    
Procedure which prints (for on-line and paper manuals) the type of the object and whether it is global or local. Essentially used for scenarios and in many places.

print_syntax(Device, Name, ArgList, Abbrev, Type)    
Procedure which prints (for on-line and paper manuals) the syntax of an object, i.e. the list of arguments, and the abbreviation if existing.

print_man(Device, ArgList, ArgType, Message, DefaultValue, ObjType)    
Procedure which prints (for on-line and paper manuals) the help message of an object, the type of the arguments, the default value if a parameter and the type of the object. If you want to customize it beware that there is a patch for demos.

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