Marius Bozga

CNRS Research Engineer (IR1)


Bâtiment IMAG
Université Grenoble Alpes
150 Place du Torrent
38401 Saint Martin d’Hères

tel: +33 (0)4 57 42 22 07
fax: +33 (0)4 57 42 22 22

e-mail: Marius [dot] Bozga [at] univ-grenoble-alpes [dot] fr

Home Publications
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Tools Research

Ongoing projects

ANR ADAPT, Adapt hierarchical component-based systems dynamically

ANR PaVeDyS, Parametric Verification of Dynamic Distributed Systems

ANR NARCO, Non-Aggregative Resource COmpositions

ANR CYPHAI, Formal Analysis and Design of AI-intensive Cyber-Physical Systems

Past projects

ESA ITT Moc4Space, Model Checking for Formal Verification of Space Systems

H2020 ADE, Autonomous Decision Making in Very Long Traverses

H2020 Brain-IoT, model-Based fRamework for dependable sensing and Actuation in INtelligent decentralized IoT systems

H2020 IA CITADEL, Critical Infrastructure Protection using Adaptive MILS

CHIST ERA SUCCESS, SecUre aCCESSibility for the internet of things

H2020 ESROCOS, European Space Robotics Control and Operating System

H2020 ERGO, European Robotic Goal-Oriented Autonomous Controller

ESA SARGON, Space Automation & Robotics General Controller

ESA MoSATT-CMP, Model-based Schedulability Analysis Techniques and Tools for Cached and Multicore Processors

FP7 STREP D-MILS, Distributed MILS for Dependable Information and Communication Infrastructure

BGLE ManycoreLabs, Software Tools for Manycore Embedded Platforms

FP7 IP ASCENS, Autonomic Service-Component Ensembles

BGLE ACOSE, Atelier pour le CO-developpement logiciel/materiel des Systemes Embarques

FP7 IST CERTAINTY, CErtification of Real Time Applications desIgNed for mixed criticality

ARTEMIS JU ACROSS, Artemis Cross-Domain Architecture

SMECY, Smart Multicore Embedded Systems

FP7 STREP 248776 PRO3D, Programming for Future 3D Architectures with Many Cores

ANR VERIDYC, Vérification des programmes avec structures des données dynamiques

FP7 IST STREP 215543 COMBEST, Component-Based Embedded Systems Design Techniques

FP6 IP 033471 SPEEDS, Speculative and Exploratory Design in Systems Engineering

RNTL AVERILES, Analyse et vérification de logiciels embarqués avec structures de mémoire dynamique

RNRT PERSIFORM, Ingénierie de Performances basée sur la Simulation à partir de Modèles Fonctionnels Formels

ACI Dynamo, Verification of Dynamic Embedded Programs

IST-2001-33522 OMEGA, Correct Development of Real-Time Embedded Systems

IST-2001-35304 AMETIST, Advanced Methods for Timed Systems

IST-1999-20218 AGEDIS, Automated Generation and Execution of Test Suites for DIstributed Component-based Software

IST-1999-29082 ADVANCE, Advanced Validation Techniques for Telecommunication Protocols

IST-1999-15566 INTERVAL, Real-Time for Telecom

Esprit LTR 23498 VIRES, Verifying Industrial Reactive Systems

Last updated 28-03-2025