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ContactDavid.Stauch@imag.frVERIMAG Centre Equation - 2, avenue de Vignate 38610 GIERES Telephone : +33 4 56 52 03 65 |
I used to be PhD student at the Verimag laboratory, in the synchronous languages team. My PhD advisors were Karine Altisen and Florence Maraninchi. ResearchMy research interests lie in the intersection between aspect-oriented programming and formal methods. More specifically, I am developing Larissa, an aspect-oriented extension for Argos, which is a hierarchic automata language and follows the synchronous principle. A compiler for Argos and Larissa is available. TeachingI was moniteur (teaching assistant) at the Computer Science Department of the University Joseph Fourier. I've been involved into teaching Internet technologies, functional programming, Prolog, and GUI programming. Ph.D. Thesis
I defended my Ph.D. on November 13, 2007. PublicationsD. Stauch. Formal Analysis Tools for the Synchronous Aspect Language Larissa. in EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems, 2008, to appear. [bib] [pdf] D. Stauch. Modifying Contracts with Larissa Aspects. SLA++P'07, ETAPS'07 Satellite Workshop on Model-driven High-level Programming of Embedded Systems, March 31, 2007, Braga, Portugal. Appeared in ENTCS, 203 (4), pages 116-140. [bib] [pdf] [slides-pdf] D. Stauch, K. Altisen and F. Maraninchi. Larissa, un langage d'aspects pour le développement des systèmes réactifs sûrs. 3ème Journée Francophone sur le Développement de Logiciels Par Aspects (JFDLPA 2007), 26 mars 2007, Toulouse, France. [bib] [pdf] [slides-pdf] K. Altisen, F. Maraninchi and D. Stauch. Aspect-oriented programming for reactive systems: Larissa, a Proposal in the synchronous framework. in Science of Computer Programming 63(3), Special Issue on Foundations of Aspect-Oriented Programming, pages 297-320, 2006. [bib] [pdf] D. Stauch, K. Altisen and F. Maraninchi. Interference of Larissa Aspects. Foundations Of Aspect-oriented Languages(FOAL) , pages 57-65, Bonn, Germany, 2006. [bib] [pdf] [slides-pdf] K. Altisen, F. Maraninchi and D. Stauch. Modular Design of Man-Machine Interfaces with Larissa. 5th International Symposium on Software Composition, in Conjunction with ETAPS 2006, LNCS 4089, pages 291-306, Vienna, Austria. To Appear. [bib] [slides-pdf] [pdf] K. Altisen, F. Maraninchi and D. Stauch. Exploring Aspects in the Context of Reactive Systems. Foundations Of Aspect-oriented Languages(FOAL) , pages 54-51, Lancaster, UK, 2004. [bib] [pdf] D. Stauch. Modifying Contracts with Larissa Aspects. Verimag Technical Report 2006-10, December 2006. [bib] [pdf] David Stauch. Aspect-Oriented Programming for Reactive Systems. Talk given at Synchron '05. [slides-pdf] David Stauch. Larissa: Semantic Aspects for Reactive Systems. A poster I presented at AOSD '06. [pdf] David Stauch. Larissa Aspects and Design-by-Contract. Talk given at the AOSD Summer School 2006. [slides-pdf] A newer version of the previous talk, given at Synchron '06. [slides-pdf] |