
Florence Maraninchi

I’m a Professor at the Grenoble INP Institute of Engineering and Management, University Grenoble Alpes, Ensimag. I’m a member of the Verimag laboratory, and also a member of CAMPUS d’après Grenoble. This website is a minimal professional homepage + some blogging items about open science, sustainable research, ecology, etc. It is mainly in English, except when it is in French!


Planetary Limits, Anti-Limits in Computer Systems And The Missing Scenarios : Research in computer science and computer engineering includes several branches dedicated to the environmental impacts of ICT…
ChatGPT et les autres IA génératives : conséquences sur nos enseignements et --- surtout --- partie immergée de l'iceberg : Les IA génératives sont là, impossible de faire comme si elles n’existaient pas. Pour autant, faut-il considérer que c’est un avenir inéluctable ? …
Quelle recherche en informatique pour un numérique inscrit dans les limites planétaires ? : Billet CNRS Sciences informatiques

No-Fly Declaration

I've stopped flying in both personal and professional contexts since May 14, 2018.

TGV-PSE Grenoble station october 2006
Aircraft image by DoomSlayer on Pixabay.