SYRF Project
Task 3.5: "Use of automata technology
and synchronous observers for automatic testing"
Abstract of deliverable 3.5.2
Achieved Results:
The testing tool LURETTE exists as a prototype. It has been applied
on Schneider Electric case study. The deliverable describes this experiment:
knowledge about the system environment is described by an assertion observer,
which can be strengthenned to drive the testcase generation towards interesting
scenarii. Some desired properties are also specified by an oracle observer.
Then the tool may be used to generate and run test sequences, while checking
that the specified properties are fulfilled.
- P. Raymond, D. Weber, X. Nicollin, and N. Halbwachs
Automatic Testing of Reactive Systems
19th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium
Madrid, Spain. December 1998
- N. Halbwachs, X. Nicollin, P. Raymond, and D. Weber
Test automatique de systèmes réactifs
Ecole d'été "Modélisation et Vérification
des Processus Parallèles, MOVEP'98
Nantes, France. July 1998.