SYRF Project
Work Package 2: "Combination of
Abstract of deliverable 2.1
Data-flow formalisms for synchronous reactive programming, such as Lustre
and Signal, essentially compile into definitional equation systems
with additional registers. This compilation process amounts to a great
extend to a clock resolution calculus. Variables and operators in the equation
system may belong to various types.
On the other hand imperative languages like Esterel (but also
most graphical formalisms of Statechart influence) produce purely
boolean equation systems, with additional boolean variables inserted to
drive memory operations on data, these operations being stored in a side
action table. This corresponds to a separation between control and data
The work package WP 2 of the project intends to integrate / unify both
these points of view. Several routes have been pursued at present to achieve
a combination of synchronous formalisms:
- combination on the source level by extending the data-flow model by
``modes'' of operation,
- combination on the level of an intermediate code
(a) by cross-compiling between different existing intermediate codes,
and by then linking on the level of one intermediate code
(b) compiling into, and linking the same intermediate code on a unified
semantical basis.
Achieved Results:
- The concept of a mode as an additional feature for a data flow language
has been formalized in [1], and it has been proved that modes are compositional
with regard to parallel composition,
- The Esterel compiler of INRIA (Sophia Antipolis) has been extended
to generate DC-code by realizing a SC to DC translator (SC
and DC are common intermediate formats for control based resp. data
flow languages) . The translator was tested on the SAAB case study which
have been specified both, in an Esterel version, and in a mixed
Lustre/Esterel version: the control part of the aircraft
has been implemented in Esterel, and the data part in Lustre.
- An orthogonal integration of all the languages has been described in
(3,4), and has been prototypic ally implemented under the name of the Synchronie
Workbench (2). By orthogonal integration we understand a combination
of synchronous languages which allows freely to call a module of a synchronous
language in another languages. Beside compilers and linkers the workbench
provides graphical interfaces for Argos in the Statechart
tradition, and a uniform simulation environment.
The Synchronie Workbench
- L.Holenderski, A.Poigné.
The Multi-Paradigm Language LEA
Annex A.2.1a
- L.Holenderski.
Translating LEA to Synchronous Components.
Arbeitspapiere der GMD, Nr. 1090
- A. Ressouche, R. de Simone
The SCDC processor, illustrated on a SYRF case study.
Internal report. Annex A.2.1b
- F.Maranchini, Y.Rémond
Mode-Automata: About Modes and States in Reactive Systems.
Research Report, Verimag.
Annex A.2.1c