Charter of the

SPIN Workshop / Symposium Series


Based on the outcome of a business meeting during the 8th International SPIN Workshop in May 2001 a committee was formed with the mission to establish a charter determining scope and governance of the SPIN  Workshop/Symposium Series.

1. Scope

The SPIN Workshop/Symposium is focused in the SPIN model checking  tool, its underlying theory, its implementation, and its applications.  Program committees will interpret this scope somewhat liberally,  and accept papers that would be of interest to the SPIN community.  At the same time, the SPIN Workshop/Symposium should not evolve into a conference on software verification.

2. Steering Committee

The role of the Steering Committee is to provide institutional memory and oversight for the SPIN Workshop/Symposium series.

2.1. Responsibilities

The responsibilities of the Steering Committee include

2.2 Composition and Chair

The Steering Committee consists of four to five members, two long-term and two to three short-term ex-officio members. The ex-officio members are the past, current, and future program chairs. The two long-term members will be appointed for nonoverlapping terms of four years. Initially, one of the long-term members will only have a two year term to avoid overlap. The Steering Committee will be chaired by its service-wise most senior member.

3. Advisory Committee

The role of the Advisory Committee is to provide guidance on  long-term strategic matters regarding the SPIN Workshop / Symposium series to the steering committee as well as to the general and/or programme committee chairs. The Advisory Committee has a strictly advisory voice. The Advisory Committee will be picked from senior members of the community at-large, and new appointments will be made by the Steering Committee. It is expected that some long-term Steering Committee alumni will move to the Advisory Committee after the end of their Steering Committee terms. Members of the Advisory Committee have open terms. The Advisory Committee will be chaired by its service-wise most senior member.

4. Initial Committee Membership

Advisory Committee:

Gerard Holzmann (chair)
Amir Pnueli

Steering Committee:

Matt Dwyer (2001-2002)
Stefan Leue (2001-2003)
Moshe Vardi (chair, 2001-2003)
Pierre Wolper (2001-2005)

Matt Dwyer
Gerard Holzmann
Stefan Leue
Moshe Vardi

July, 2001