Component-Based Software Engineering and Modeling
Non-Functional Aspects
Tuesday, October 1st, 2002
Dresden, Germany
Workshop overview
Workshop program
Call for position papers
Format of the workshop
Important dates
The UML proved useful for modeling classes, their behavior, and interaction.
However, the UML currently does not support and foster the modeling of the
non-functional aspects of an object or component as well as of some real-time
aspects. Especially quality of service (QoS) contracts and components are
currently poorly handled by UML.
The next major release of UML, UML 2, is on the horizon and some of the
original UML concepts will be modified to better support model-based software
engineering. In this context, the concept of component within UML is evolving
and is becoming more abstract. In UML 1.x a component simply represented
an implementation for a set of interfaces. In the proposal of the U2P group
the concept of component is more aligned with state of the art component
technology. In this evolving context this workshop focuses on integrating
the notion of quality of service (QoS) into component models. The paradigm
of real-time components (RT-components) as well as more general frameworks
extending and utilizing the UML to support non-functional aspects are the
topics of the workshop.
This workshop is part of a series of workshops related to OO techniques
within the real-time system domain (SIVOOES at ECOOP’2000, SIVOES’2001 at
ECOOP’2001, FDTRT’2001 at UML’2001 and CIUML at UML’2001).
Workshop program
9:00 am Opening Remarks from organizers & participant presentations
9:30 am session 1 - "Application"
Stefan Van Baelan, Department of Computer Science K.U.Leuven / "The SEESCOA Composer Tool: Using Contracts
for Component Composition and Run-Time Monitoring"
10:30 am Break
11:00 am session 2 - "QoS specification"
"Elements of QoS-Aware Specification Languages" - Miguel A. de Miguel
- E.T.S.I. Telecomunicación, Ciudad Universitaria
"Formal Specification of non-functional aspects in Two-Level Grammar",
Chunmin Yang, Univ of Alabama at Birmingham
12:00 am Discussion
12:30 pm Lunch
2:00 pm session 3 - Using Constracts in Component-based systems
Simone Roettger - Technische Univ. Dresden / "Modelling of Non-Functional
Contract in COmponent-based Systems unsing a Layered Architecture"
Noël Plouzeau - IRISA & Torben Weis - Technical University of
Berlin / "QCCS"
3:00 pm Discussion
3:30 pm Break
4:00 pm session 4 - "Ongoing european projects"
Francois Terrier - CEA-LIST / "The
AIT-WOODES project"
Ileana Ober - Verimag / "The OMEGA project"
5:00 pm Workshop Wrap-up (Organizers)
5:30 pm Workshop end
The workshop aims to bring together experts from academia and industry to
consider software engineering issues related to applying UML for component-based
development of real-time systems. The following is a partial list of topics
that are expected to be covered by the workshop:
- Models of hard and soft RT-components;
- RT components and QoS (contracts) modeling;
- Specification of non-functional aspects (QoS, performance, throughput,
fault tolerance, availability, security, etc) in UML;
- Management of a component;
- Code generation for components;
- CBSE methods with a focus on non-functional properties;
- Managing RT-component evolution throughout the development process;
- Validation of RT-components;
- Components & contracts in UML;
- Modeling the realization of non-functional aspects as - crosscutting
concerns in the spirit of AOP/AOD;
- Modeling the realization of non-functional aspects using patterns,
collaborations, and model composition;
- Integration of non-functional aspects in the OMG's MDA.
Each participant has to submit a position paper, of 5-10 pages length (10
pt., single space), in one of the following file formats: plain text, postscript,
pdf or word. Every submitted paper will be formally reviewed by the workshop
organizers. The paper should address one of the discussion topics mentioned
above. At least, every submission must clearly state how it relates to this
Accepted submissions will be placed on the workshop web site. The results
of the workshop and extended versions of some position papers will be considered
for publication in a suitable technical journal following an agreement with
an interested publisher.
Submission e-mail: sivoes@imag.fr
A workshop is not a sequence of lectures. Therefore, every participant should
actively contribute to the discussions during the workshop. The workshop
will consist of two parts.
First, the workshop organizers will select 2 or 3 of the submitted position
papers to introduce the workshop subject and initiate discussions. In the
second part, separate focus groups will be formed to investigate individual
topics. The set of topics will be provided by the organizers to all participants
prior to the workshop to allow preparation for the discussions. Each working
group will then summarize their conclusions and will present them to the
plenary group at the conclusion of the workshop.
Submission deadline: 15 August 2002
Notification date: 1 September 2002
Workshop date: 1 October 2002
- Sébastien GERARD
- CEA - Centre d'Etudes de Saclay
- F-91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex
- France
- Phone : +33 (0)1 69 08 62 59
- FAX : +33 (0)1 69 08 83 95
- E-mail: Sebastien.Gerard@cea.fr
- Ileana OBER
- VERIMAG - Centre Equation
- 2, Avenue de Vignate
- Phone : 33
- Fax : 33
- E-mail: ileana.ober@imag.fr
- George A. Papadopoulos
- Department of Computer Science
- University of Cyprus
- 75 Kallipoleos Street
- POB 20537
- CY-1678, Nicosia
- Cyprus
- E-mail: george@cs.ucy.ac.cy
- Noël Plouzeau
- Campus de Beaulieu
- 35042 Rennes Cedex
- Tel +33 2 99 84 71 89
- Fax +33 2 99 84 71 71
- E-mail: Noel.Plouzeau@irisa.fr
- Laurent RIOUX
- THALES Research and Technology
- Advance Software Department
- Domaine de Corbeville
- 91404 Orsay cedex - France
- Phone: + 33 (0)1 69 33 00 52
- Fax : +33 (0)1 69 33 08 65
- E-mail: laurent.rioux@thalesgroup.com
- Bran SELIC
- Rational Software
- Ottawa, Canada
- E-mail: bselic@rational.com
- Torben Weis
- Technische Universitt Berlin
- Fakultaet IV - Institut fuer Telekommunikationssysteme
- FG Intelligente Netze und Management verteilter Systeme
- Sekretariat EN6
- Einsteinufer 17
- 10587 Berlin
- Tel 030 / 314-79830
- Fax 030 / 314-24573
- Email: weis@ivs.tu-berlin.de
- WWW http://ivs.tu.berlin.de
Last updated: October-11, 2002